N.Y. Times: Mueller focusing on contacts between Manafort and Kolimnik

That’s simply not true. I’d recommend reading more about Manafort’s admissions and convictions.

Uh huh. That’s a neat strawman/fantasy, but in reality is also simply not true.

Yes…it is and I know/hope you’re not that naive. That’s why this is so dangerous.

Listen smyrna, I lightly mentioned your 0 for everything prediction yet I don’t passively state you’re naive.

Imagine we both have two buckets we need to fill up with the reality of this topic

My bucket is overflowing with arrests, convictions, testimony. I offer you physical reality you can hold, touch, feel, read…complete cases that are proven, jury convictions and guilty pleas. I have more than evidence. I have the guilty themselves in my bucket.

Whats in your bucket besides a few drips?

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