N.Y. Times: Mueller focusing on contacts between Manafort and Kolimnik

Did you believe the phony press release Trump made in an attempt to cover up the nature of the meeting at Trump tower?

It’s easy to get confused when Trump tells so many lies so I don’t blame you either way.

All i know is that don jr. called his dad after the meeting.

This is HUGE!!

That’s not much then.

Have you ever considered that maybe what the press is reporting might be true? That Manafort is treasonous, for one, and that this admin is the most corrupt in history? Because nothing reported has gone away. The scandal is only getting deeper.

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…and yet with many legal professionals, millions of dollars and two years later…nothing on Trump.

If Trump didn’t do anything wrong, it makes you wonder why he keeps acting so guilty.

If that’s the case, then the only explanation is he’s a complete idiot.

There will never be a Mueller report because he can’t bring himself to admit there is no collusion. Witch hunt…

Nothing on Trump? There have been press reports that Trump was fully aware of the Trump Tower meeting.

You wouldn’t want to make a bet on that, would you?

It’s a bet already…

Oh great…so then why do “we” need Mueller when…we’ve got press reports?

Looks like Silent Bob is going to hide in a hole somewhere.

What a fraud!

Yeah, don jr. called him right after.

The only person who used foreign Intel people to try to interfere in the election was Hillary.

We all know it.

The idea that Manafort could overthrow our govt is so silly, I can’t believe any rational person can believe it… So, TDS

Sure, but you have to, after so many public failures and way off predictions and the drip drip drip shtick…have to have some sort of mental end set for yourself where you go back to reflect and compare reality vs what you’ve been saying would happen. Afaik you’re 0 for many right now. It’s a gamblers fallacy to think you can keep doubling down and eventually get yourself out of this hole.

Just a fun thing, why not give us a post on the opposite premise of the above quote.

What if what you’ve suspected isn’t true?

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It’s a shame that this hasn’t been exposed faster than a drip, drip, drip speed but…I’m not king.

Smyrna, his inner circle is being convicted left and right. When you’re the head of a crime org and all your lackeys start getting rolled up that is the opposite of having nothing on you. They have everything.

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Is that really the shame?

The shame is that your theories haven’t played out fast enough? What about all the the ones that have quickly been proven untrue? Is that shame or a good thing?

Making it official.

This is based on Russian collusion and nothing more. These indictments are NOT Russian collusion and if every person in the United States was investigated in the manner that the Trump Administration is, it’d be surprising to you just how many would be behind bars. I want everyone treated the same and what’s gone on…isn’t even ■■■■■■■ close to the same. Therefore…it’s criminal IMO.