I’m thinking we get those hounds that have bees in their mouth. And when they bark they shoot bees at you.
I counter with a fly swatter.
You’ve been flying droans for four years and don’t know how to spell, “drone”?
I agree.
Comprehensive mental health reform is a pretty uncontroversial solution.
Nothing is uncontroversial in this day and age.
Van Halen was better with David Lee Roth.
Van who?
Is that what made him snap?
I love this new place!
I have been saying for a while now, the real solution to the gun control issue is for someone to come up with a weapon that incapacitates but doesn’t kill or maim that is just as or more effective at stopping an assailant. What is the acceptable purpose of a gun, to incapacitate an attacker, there is no reason it needs to cause irreversible trauma in the process. As for drones to stop school shooters, I’d be thinking swarms to blind and incapacitate, not one large drone with a weapon, rather a thousand tiny ones that blind and immobilize. If we actually put our minds to it, we could tech our way out of this dilemma.
Respectfully, I think this approach is stupid. And is yet another addition to a pile of other stupid ‘solutions’. A drone doesn’t change the fact that kids are trying to kill each other. Something is wrong with our culture… we need gun reform and cultural reform in our schools. It’s not an overnight fix, but it will eventually influence society if we’re mindful enough about it.
Thousands of tiny little drones!
To blind and incapacitate him!
Utter victory!
We have chosen as a society to place a premium on easy assess to rapid fire firearms.
Short of banning a and confiscation…we need to learn to live with it.
I’m sorry, do you not find it to be as practical a solution and somehow making all the scary guns disappear from planet earth?
I claim to be the hannity boards worst speller
Half the time the auto spell check can’t even figure out what word I’m trying for.
and yes I’ve been flying quads for 4 years. Started before the GPS thing where you had to actually pay attention to keep from killing people (especially yourself on landing).
Now would you like address anything on said on why the OP’s idea won’t work?
No we don’t need gun reform. We do need a serious “cultural” reform of kids in general.
Come and change it
Sound like you have some experience playing with drones.
One that I would say makes sense in time and weight capacity of a drone ability to fly.
Now having said that wouldn’t it be great to have the ability to edit?
Edit: What’s this editing you speak of? snow96
Okay, abuse of privlidges I admit it, but it’s funny
Not realistic IMO, the only solution is prevent shooters from gaining access. Campus must have limited access points, armed security with professionals not rent a cops. Israel has a much greater threat for violence and yet they do a remarkable job on school security, we should look at their policy.