My Fellow Americans...It is time for term limits and age limits in the House, the Senate, and the White House

Nope…this includes union donations as well.

I know money will never be eliminated from the processes…but it should be greatly reduced.
One would think this would be a bi-pasrtisan issue…

But some people believe corps and the very wealthy should have more influence on democracy than the rest of us.

I very much agree. I want:

1- a defined, limited primary campaign period. 6 months seems good. The election soon thereafter; 2 weeks later?

2)-Private money shunted into PACS. And a barrier that a single nickel is forbidden to pass.

Unfortunately, this almost certainly requires a constitutional ammendment.

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How would this be done?

(I’m fine with restrictions on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch EE’s from working as a lobbyist for say 5 years after leaving government service.)


I would add that primaries have to be held on the same day for all major parties and that to participate in a parties primary that person must be registered with that party at least 90 days in advance.


I would accede to this to get the other things if I had to, but on my own, I would make primaries open, no party affiliation required.

This open primary thing is what I disagree with. (Respectfully)

Things like going back to the friend of our host, Mr. Limbaugh and his Operation Chaos.

When the person your party is nominating is polling well ahead and will likely be the winner, voting in the other parties primary to sow such chaos by trying to force their nomination to be the weaker candidate shouldn’t be allowed.

If you want to select the DEM candidate, register as a DEM.

If you want to select the GOP candidate, register as a GOP.

If you are independent, either primary an IND candidate or vote in the General for the individual of your choice.


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Candidates should only be given X amount of time on CSPAN to give their messages, which should have a site where you can stream all the clips, or live. It should also be included as a channel in every TV/streaming package.

Sounds good to me.

What does this mean

The only real way to do it, would be to amend the constitution stating Money is not speech,and corporations, as artificial persons, do not get equal rights on par with natural persons.

Which is what the SCOTUS has ruled, primarily in 3 case.

Then we could pass new laws to address this issue and/or apply the older laws on the books like the Tillman act .

I know that you always post with respect👍

Let me clarify what I mean by an open primary: all the candidates appear on the primary ballot, and the top two vote getters advance to the general.

Well, you, I, corporations, and unions may wish to contribute. I think that is and proper, but the money goes to PACS.

I would also entertain arguments that allow money to go to the party (not candidate) for disbursement.

Oh, basically a ranked choice option.

So during the primary, there could be no DEM (or GOP) candidate on the general election ballot because the two top spots are occupied by GOP (or DEM)?

Nah, not warm to the idea.


can’t tell if you are saying money should or shouldn’t go to PACS that is what I am wondering.

I am against the party being in control of the money.

Yes to PAC’s. Outside interests need an outlet too.

Parties: okey dokey. I don’t disagree.

OK thanks. I am against PACs. To much dishonesty and hiding behind PACS. For example there is one in FL right know who claims to be Ron Desantis. They are not, but what can be done. He has asked them numerous times to stop.

Well it doesn’t have to be PAC’s. But we do need to provide some sort of outlet for 3rd parties.

What 3rd parties? What is considered 1st and 2nd parties?

Not being a smart ass. Just ignorant.

You. Me. Unions and corporations.

Our donations are the only meaningful way we can participate in the system until we vote.

I think he means non-candidates.

For example:

  • From the GOP side the NRA PAC running ads for a candidate (or “issue” ads that don’t mention a candidate but just happen to be aligned with the GOP candidate).
  • From the DEM side the Planned Parenthood PAC running ads for a candidate (or “issue” ads that don’t mention a candidate but just happen to be aligned with the DEM candidate).

@Supreme_War_Pig - correct me if I’m wrong.


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Yes, that is what I refer to, those are the 3rd parties. Incidentally, I also would be fine with tightening the reporting requirements. I am not a huge fan of anonymous donations. But this is important: I don’t want the only way for interested parties to engage is lobbying firms.

Also, 2nd party: the Political Parties

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