Musk Acquires Twitter

I fully support right-wingers buying electric cars

Wokemobiles? Never…

I don’t see a problem with it. Lithium mining is just as bad for the environment as oil could ever hope to be, and we all know Conservatives hate that damn environment. :rofl:

At that price

Umm, charging commercial users and governments per tweet.

How to kill a platform in 1 easy step.


How would that kill it exactly?


I think I have some money free in my robinhood account. Might be worth a gamble…

You don’t spend much time on Twitter, do you?

[quote=“zantax, post:707, topic:241754, full:true”]

Wrong that’s not how it works…the delta between the prices is the market pricing in the probability of this deal not happening which right now is tilting that way.

Those making that bet could be right or they could be wrong.

Clearly not lol

[quote=“Guntsu, post:714, topic:241754, full:true”]

Also factors in the possibility he gets it for less.

Anyone done the math on what the price would have to fall to in order to make it worth losing the billion to ditch this deal and tender a new lower offer?

I doubt that he would get a second shot at this

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There are 764,180,000 outstanding shares. $1.31 a share would be $1B.

Elon screwed up and wants an out. Simple as that.

Can we still get Trump back on the Twitter? Miss that guy…

That pretty much says it all. If the truth be known, does anybody here … any of you … really care whether Musk buys control of Twitter or not?

Conservatives seem to care

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Not all that much, whether he ultimately buys it or not he caused some inconvenient truths to slip out in the process.