Muncie IN GOP couincilman comes out as a lesbian woman of color

A male can feel he is not a man. A male cannot feel like a woman.


Like I said this discussion has been played out a million times and you are entitled to your opinion.

People are free to believe what they want. What is a ridiculous delusion to one person is an article of faith for another.

The problem is when there are government-enforced delusions. Mandatory use of pronouns that deny obvious biology is a prime example.


How gracious.

These aren’t opinions, they are facts.

Who is mandating pronouns? I know my employer requires we use a customers or clients preferred pronouns but thats just good business and if an employee doesnt like it they can work elsewhere.

I don’t think you want to go there. Stories about people being punished for using the wrong pronoun are all over the place.

And no, I’m not going to do your research for you.

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State universities have been in the lead in compelling speech.

A U.S. court has sided with a university professor who refused to use the preferred pronouns of a transgender student.

The Shawnee State University in Ohio disciplined Nicholas Meriwether, a professor of philosophy, triggering a legal battle.

Citing his religious beliefs, Meriwhether he did not follow the institution’s policy for university personnel to use pronouns that reflect a student’s claimed gender identity.

Throughout the semester, the professor used the person’s last name to refer to the student, who identifies as a woman.
U.S. court rules against mandated use of transgender pronouns. Canadian advocates weigh in | Georgia Straight Vancouver’s source for arts, culture, and events

Personally I think the employer (the university) has the right to insist its employees use the customers (students) preferred pronouns but hey ho the court has made it ruling.

My preferred pronoun is “Jesus is Lord”. Fire any atheist, Muslim, or Jew who refuses to use it.

That kind of logic is why the court rejected compelled pronouns.

What a silly come back. Please ask someone at a business to call you that and the chances are they will agree but will ridicule you (rightly so) to their colleagues.

Choosing to use someone’s preferred pronouns as matter of courtesy is fine.

Compelling speech that forces people to lie or go against their religious beliefs is not.

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If your religious beliefs are so important to a person then they need to find an employer who is more in line with them.

As cons often tell us, no one has the right to a job.

Transgenderism has become a state-imposed religion.

A woman in Oregon recently attempted to adopt a child. The adoption agency asked the woman if she would accept and support a child’s decision to change genders. They asked her if she would allow her adopted child to transition to a different sex, take them to LGBTQ+ events, and use the child’s preferred pronouns. When the woman said that ignoring biology violated her beliefs as a Christian, the state of Oregon turned her away. The woman then asked if she could adopt a child without imaginary woke needs, and her request was denied.
Christians Prevented From Adopting Children In America | Armstrong Economics

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That is the states prerogative. Just like I dont really want children adopted by couples that are Trump supporters. :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:.

Anyone who doesn’t believe him…applying lib rules…is a racist, misogynistic homophobe. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

If you won’t agree, in advance, to castrate your son, you can’t adopt him.

State-imposed child abuse has become the norm.

No it hasnt and no one is forcing you or anyone else to agree to castrate anyone. Another silly claim.

It would be interesting to know the full story of why the couple were denied. I even wonder if such couple existed. The article hardly goes out of its way to provide any evidence of its claim.

An evolutionary reaction on the part of whom?

CRT was created as a narrow analysis of legal issues — focused on law students.

It’s now been corrupted into a slogan for censoring any discussion of race.

This is not evolution; it is cooptation

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“Respect and accept gender identity and gender expression” means you must agree in advance to castrate your son chemically or surgically if he decides to become a girl. What do you think “puberty blockers” are?