Muncie IN GOP couincilman comes out as a lesbian woman of color

Thou shalt not question someone’s gender identity!

If this were old Twitter you could find yourself banned as a hateful transphobic, homophobic bigot.

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The use of emotes

Agreed, he needs to spread support for proper religious grooming like a normal person would do, and stop trying to come up with new ways to laugh at an old joke.

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I recognize my critter even behind that stupid face diaper. We replaced Ike Skelton with her when he failed to represent his constituents, and we’ve been recovering from the Obama era ever since.

Well - is a swimmer with a penis competing in women’s university swimming events and beating almost everyone (after getting their butt kicked in men’s competition) trying to be edgy and funny ? Or simply cheating ? Or neither ?

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Closest analogy is the male weightlifter who just destroyed the trans females world record in I think Canada.

wouldn’t surprise me if he gets jailed

Yesterday I identified as a Silverback Gorilla, and guess what, nobody ■■■■■■ with me! :gorilla:

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I identify as the Prince of Nichevo. My pronouns are “his royal highness”/“your majesty”.

Failure to bow and curtsey in my presence is hateful basileophobia.

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Prince of Nothing ?

Physical reality is irrelevant.

If people without penises can identify as men, then people without a royal realm can identify as royalty.

As with many other whacked-out ideas, San Francisco is ahead of its time.

It’s all Pence’s fault.

I know right? The left have plenty of those that say same thing to laugh at


Mocking marginalized people, the article says. No one is less marginalized than than LGBQT+ people. Maybe 3% of the population is thrown at you daily.


I would be embarrassed for the stupidity of anyone who seriously, not mockingly, believes it is possible to change ones gender just by declaring it.


Gender and sex are not the same thing, but that discussion has been played out here a million times before.

And yet libs (in this instance the LBGTQ cult) are lighting their hair on fire over it. :smile:

I myself came out years ago as a butch lesbian woman trapped in a man’s body who is attracted to women who like men, but nobody took me seriously. Maybe I should have thrown in black for good measure. :wink:


Why then do those who come out as transgender dress in clothes and behave with mannerisms that have traditionally been common with that gender they are now identifying as?

The Left wants to have it both ways here. They want to tell us that gender is nothing but a social construct, and hence denying thousands of yesrs of human history, until someone comes out as transgender and then when that person behaves and dresses a certain way they then say it confirms that person is such and such gender!:sweat_smile:

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Can you cite where that word appears in any of founding literature on Crtical Race Theory.

It sounds a lot more like a term right-wingershave applied in their quest to tun CRTino a buzzword to attack any mention of race or diversity

A man can consider himself to be a man who has more than usual effeminate traits and be correct. A man can consider himself to be a woman and he is cra… wrong.

It’s not in founding, it’s an evolutionary reaction.

I could. I choose not to.