Muncie IN GOP couincilman comes out as a lesbian woman of color

Great then dont live in Oregon. Thought you were a states right person.


CRT was not “created”, it is just Critical Theory sprinkled with race.

You are regurgitating myth.

Abortion. Texas.

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I respect the academic work of Derrick Bell, Kimberle Crenshaw, Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado who developed a challenging approach the evolution of the American legal system.

I am guessing you’ve never heard of them. But they are the scholars who CREATED critical race theory.

There work has been distorted by right wingers into a meme that declares any consideration of race to be evil, but that meme has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory.

:rofl: Do a search.

Hegel, Horkheimer, Gramsci, Marx…

And of course Dear Old Dad-Marcuse

Pine Manor 1986

The convent in Madison.

You’ve dabbled. Read a jacket note or two. No depth.

BTW, not black.

I am quite familiar with the authors you mentioned. None of them spoke to the academic discipline of critical race theory.

Apparently, Oregon Dept. of Human Services see children without parents as clean slates that can be assigned any gender they choose except the gender associated with their biological sex.

Sadly, that is probably true. :neutral_face:

"(k) Respect, accept and support the race, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, disabilities, national origin, cultural identities, immigration status and socioeconomic status of a child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department, and provide opportunities to enhance the positive self-concept and understanding of the child or young adult’s heritage; … "

There, ya go … If you don’t accept and support the child’s gender dysphoria (which was probably fostered through the Agency and/or the schools) you can kiss your desire to adopt them goodbye.