Mueller’s special counsel is unconstitutional

Levin is NOT a constitutional authority and is being very dishonest in his mildly-educated assessment of Mueller.

Heck the judge in Manafort’s case rules Mueller had the authority to bring the charges he did.

Levin needs to go back to school if he wants to be taken seriously.

You’re not answering the question.

He has said that he prefers to stay out of it and let congress handle it. I would prefer he handle it. Congress not getting it done.

Why should Congress do Trump’s job. Last I checked he’s the head of the Executive Branch. Why are you so unwilling to blame your dear leader?

It is congresses job as defined by the constitution.

Since when does that matter?

I don’t know, since congress was invented?

if you click what I was replying to you’d see it was this message I had replied to:

Now, regarding the Republican congress and Republican president matching their own rhetoric to action. What are they waiting for? There is nothing blocking these republicans from working together.

What is Congress’ job?

As for congress, I think they are mostly do nothing ■■■■■■■. As for Trump, I think he prefers to use the firestorms for strategic purposes. Personally I would prefer that he pull the trigger now.

Either way sooner or later, the truth shall be revealed and there will be a firestorm to follow.

Oversight of DOJ.

Where in the Constitution does it say that Congress has oversight over the DoJ?

It’s not in my copy. In fact, the words “Department of Justice” don’t seem to be in it at all.

Sorry, Congress has oversight of DOJ as “implied” by the constitution. The supreme court has confirmed that congress in does indeed have powers of oversight. Also in 1993 President Clinton signed into law the congressional powers of oversight. (Government Performance and Results Act)

Oh, so the Constitution includes implied rights, in addition to those enumerated?

Good to know you feel that way.

Your man Clinton signed it into law dumbass

Donald’s in charge of the Exec branch, Republicans are in charge of Congress. If Mueller’s committing a federal crime they can certainly do something about it.

The Republican commissioned, Republican led investigation makes libs look bad? …ok

Trump’s mandate? Interesting use of that word.

Yes they can. Maybe they will. I think there may be something up with Sessions. A few months back Nunes, Jordan and company were loudly calling for the heads of Sessions and Rosenstein. After a meeting with Sessions and Trump, they continued hot and heavy after Rosenstein, but never another peep about Sessions. Hmmm.