Mueller draft report says Putin used Trump to "destabilize' America - Carl Bernstein

this seems to be a pretty common theme, these days. I’ve seen mulitple people use it. Pointing to the absence of an indictment, conviction, or impeachment of Trump as somehow evidence of his innocence.

It’s a pretty feeble last straw on which to support oneself, and a standard not used by modern Republicans for their political foes.

I wish you luck with that.

I would very much prefer that we were not having this conversation, that the prospect of the President of the United States being a Russian agent was not a part of our political lexicon, that Foxnews did not have to directly ask the President of the United States if he worked for Russia and to have the President actively avoid answering the question.

I sincerely hope you are right. That there is no there, there.

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You made a hard prediction.

That being the case, it doesn’t seem like having a sense of both the timetable and the practical reality of how that would prediction would come true would require magic or astrology.

Some people around here correctly predicted that Trump’s lawyer and campaign manager were going to jail. In such cases, it didn’t take a crystal ball or magical words to suggest a timeline before that happened.


Someone clearly has not been paying attention. Or you have been paying attention, but have to pretend to not understand anything, to protect the bubble you decided is more comfortable to live in than objective reality.

There is more than enough ample evidence, in the public record, that would necessitate a counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Trump’s behavior regarding Russia and Mr. Putin. To deny this is literally to deny objective reality. Fascinating. Lol

I agree. Manchurian is Chinese. He’s the Moscow Candidate.

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If this oft-trotted out nonsense of “the establishment refuses to accept the results of the election” crapola were even remotely close to true, then impeachment would have already come and went. This is nothing more than the desperate ploy of the willfully blind. No one is refusing the results of the election.

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Do you think Trump will pardon him?

Is that what happened to Obama two years after he was elected? Do you agree that the American people by and large voted to hold the White House accountable then?

Yep. And I was one of the ones voting to hold him accountable.

Obama called the right the enemy. If I remember he said the voters needed to punish the right because they were the enemy. Was this because the right thought differently than him so the right was evil?

Your really going to stick up for Peter Strozk who admits in emails to trying to change an election because he didn’t like the result. Who was so partisan that he couldn’t leave his party affiliation at the door.
Flynn also had a sterling record in the military but that does not mean that he didn’t mess up and try to make things happen the way he wanted them too
. I’m sure if we looked as closely into Mueller as we have Flynn we would find a skeletons in the closet. No one is perfect and if you dig deep enough you can always find something.
The funny thing is just watch the left if there is no proof that Trump knew any of the things anyone did until after the fact. They will throw Mueller under the bus and say well he’s just protecting the republican party.

If you don’t think the CEC has tried, then I have a bridge to sell you in Russia.

Yeah, that never happened. Fake News Alert! Fake News Alert! Fake News Alert!

Partisan? Fascinating. I’m sure you have proof of his party identification, yes?

I’m thinking you mean he was biased. Imagine that. One of the world’s most renowned Russian spy-hunters was biased against someone who was acting against the interests of America, the nation he swore an oath to defend, and in favor of the hostile foreign government of Russia, an enemy he had been tasked with defending us all against for an entire career. And even then, as the IG noted, his bias did not impact the investigation results in any fashion. Almost as if he was a professional who was able to separate his personal opinions from his professional duties. I know that is a foreign concept to most Trump supporters.

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The CEC can get his tax returns, his bank statements, his emails, records of his phone calls, his pass port and they can tap his phones? Who knew the media had the same power as the federal government.

Then tell fat donald to direct his acting AG to subpoena Mueller’s bank statements, e-mails, phone calls etc. Why hasn’t he done so?

I think you had better research your memory with a google search and provide a link. You are wrong.

Obama at least apologized for using those terms (referring to a specific issue). The CEC does not…it is part and parcel of their schtick.

Unfortunately for the conspiracy kooks and partisan political hacks, the claims that Trump colluded with Russia are not true.

This entire Trump-Russia collusion myth was just to cover up the fact that it was, and has been, the Democrats who have colluded with Russians to influence elections. Starting with the Democrat’s “Lion of the Senate” Sen. Ted Kennedy, and cumulating with Hilary’s campaign, and Obama’s top administration officials, and the liberal news media.

I believe he/she is referring to this comment, by Obama:

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.” Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”

A conspiracy to cover up an even larger conspiracy.


Temember when Trump said he knew nothing about payments to Stormy. His supporters said we were all just Conspiracy Kooks. Now all I can tell you is you might want to try the Gut soup to go along with your garlic ctow.