Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe

How many times have you been shown the exact quote from the report that talks about indict of Trump, I’m not playing this game.


Did you think it was over after the release of the report?

I think everyone knew, or should have known that both Barr and Mueller would be called to testify in front of Congress.

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About half the group has already gone on to the hope that random searches of Trump’s personal documents will turn up something, anything, that will show how bad he is.
There are still a few stragglers here.


I would add a word or two to your statement to make it more accurate.

“A whole bunch of gloating, victorious Trumpists singing the same ■■■■■■■■ that Barr spat out and which Mueller complained about.”

Far be it from me to rub it in or anything. :sunglasses:

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I demand to see a copy of the letter.

If you want to convince yourself that it is, you should probably throw your computer and tv out the window.

You certainly are playing “that game”, because you cannot show me anywhere in that report, assuming you have read it, that states that Trump would have been indicted but for DOJ policy.

Bobbie Bad Ass Mueller don’t complain, he kicks ass.

It certainly states that the OLC opinion says that he can not indict the President.

Then keep hope alive. That Russia/ Trump thing is like the Great Pumpkin. It won’t show up if you don’t believe. So by all means Beee-lieve! :clown_face:

Mueller knows all.

But apparently he has trouble telling it in just 448 pages.

Leaving out the obstruction portion? Is that intentional?

He’ll be worse than Hillary. He’ll write a book and make the media rounds.

Let me guess. You haven’t read either the letter or the report, right?

The only people who are going to read that are Trump Haters. Nobody else cares.

No not at all. I think you should go for it. Except maybe you should call it obstruction of hoax. Since there was nothing there to begin with?

Comey certainly became a star for a couple of days.

Barr is scheduled to appear at a Senate hearing tomorrow. It will be interesting to hear his answers about this letter.

God I hope it’s that he should be impeached