Mr. Rogers - a villain after all

But… no one except for you thinks Mr. Rogers was being homophobic - not me, not “hollywood”, not People Magazine - not even Officer Clemmons.

I get what this is all about. You’re trying to claim Mr. Rogers for your “side”.

It’s not going to work.

it is clear what message the mag is pushing

something negative on Rogers

i knew it was coming. he was too perfect for the anything goes scum left and hollywood to leave untouched

as soon as i heard he was being featured in a film by hollywood rapists and leftists i knew it was coming

If you think the article is going to make people think Mr. Rogers was a homophobe…you didn’t read it.

Even the OPer knew the article didn’t do that…why?

Because the OPer is mocking left wing “wokeness” by saying they SHOULD be hating on Mr. Rogers.

Which they obviously aren’t.

But by all means…keep digging.

No, that’s just your imagination.

you blew it. goodnight

You didn’t see the films either, did you?

This thread was already golden.

This little exchange turned it to platinum.

I grew up in Pittsburgh…we take Mr. Rogers very seriously, and if anyone dissed the guy, the wrath of 'burghers would be upon the offender from now until the end of time.

I would know if Fred Rogers was being dissed.


yes. but didnt have to.

Did either the documentary or the feature film seek to discredit Mr. Rogers?

The answer is no.

you embarrassed yourself by saying there was no study by LSU.

why you still here besides to cheerlead?

There was no study, and you embarrass yourself every time you claim there was.

A professor making a statement is not a “study”.

thanks for your opinion!

have a good night

flat out denial. wow


Do you disagree?

If so, I dont believe you saw either one.

Yes. The study does not exist, and never did.

Seriously, read your own link.

This is becoming one of my favorite threads in a long time.

because you know you’re wrong? interesting

mine too!

No. That’s not why.

