Moving the Goalposts Again

ha. gotta love the snarky attitude.

such science

48 million (as of yesterday) is ~15% of the population. And proceeding at a clip of 1.6 million a day and increasing.

Ah, here we go. I found an anecdote that multiple masks do not significantly drop your oxygen levels. That should give us some relief.

3% of the population has their full dosage of two doses.

That constitutes full vaccination…not one dose.

Even fewer of those 3% have had their second dose long enough ago to have achieved the fullest immunity they are going to achieve.

And even 15% is nowhere near enough to start impacting infection rates.

I’m guessing you guys haven’t got the memo yet - but Trump isn’t President anymore. You don’t have to keep pretending that COVID doesn’t exist anymore, because the God-Enperor is no longer responsible for it.

Take a cue from your fellow travellers - just blame Biden for it.

I don’t think masks are needed everywhere. But if you are in enclosed spaces with other people, best to wear one. If you are in enclosed spaces where other people are quite close for more than a few seconds, probably best to wear one.

If you are outside and there aren’t many people nearby, no mask needed imo.

the govt does

but i agree. no mask should be needed in all of open outdoors.

It’s been 60-70% for decades. But the science now says …

Do you not read. This south African Variant is twice as contagious and they are saying to combat it when it comes…to wear a more snuggly fitting surgical mask and then cover it with a cloth mask. Twice the potential protection for Twice the virility.

I dont know if it makes sense Janet…but that is the reason.

Then why do so many people say that wearing one mask causes them to feel short of breath? There is absolutely no question that rebreathing air increases CO2 intake. How can that not decrease oxygen?

heres how good masks work:

(caution: actual science. not cnn science)

I’m not meaning to be argumentative, but wouldn’t herd immunity be dependent on the parameters of the virus? So herd immunity for one virus might be achieved at a given percentage but for a different virus which has different infection rates, incubation periods, death rates (and so on) wouldn’t herd immunity be at a different percentage?

I dunno, herd immunity seems like a broad estimate, but I’d love to see the mathematical models for it.

Wait. I thought you and I had both agreed that masks work in reducing Covid for interactions? Are you now contradicting your own cited experts and saying they don’t?

Btw, I’ll let you think a while on your curves and how you are interpreting them.

and i’ll let you consider how effective they were based on the curves

be sure to point out where they helped!

and use that to show how wearing multiple masks like some autotonic idiot is going to help.

One dose is 70% effective. That’s better efficacy than the typical Flu vaccine. Your pessimism is unwarranted … Trump is no longer in office.

Yes because of course only one variable changed.

But I’m sure this sounded really smart in your head.

if the data doesnt show it, it doesnt show it

thats science!

go watch bill nye. or reach new heights in sarcasm. whichever.

So you are back to claiming masks are ineffective DESPITE the experts YOU CITED saying they do. I guess you believe science based on whether the results agree with your preconceived notion.

So, are those NEJM doctors wrong now? :grinning:

You may want to think about those curves a bit longer.

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I take it you don’t do science, except that unique science from talk radio.

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by and large no they aren’t effective. just going by what the new england journal of science said