Mostly Peaceful BLM Threatens Violence Yet Again

Yet… he is not.

BLM NYC’s facebook page is open access for the initial wall. The very first thing you see is an in depth explanation, dtd 01/05/2018 on why BLM NYC disassociated itself from BLM Global (the crew that took the corporate money and ran) after being one of the local chapters in the initial formation of BLM Global. They are the original and current de facto BLM organization in NYC, and always have been.


Yet…he is…

Sorry. This newsome clown is blm

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I hate to break this to you but people who would smear 100’s of thousands of police and law enforcement officers, who are pushing racist lies like CRT and the 1619 project, who would use violence and intimidation as a way to claim political power and, who chant that Black Lives Matter when it’s convenient while ignoring the plight of kids in inner cities who are frequent black victims of violence at the hands of other black kids…

That bunch of domestic terrorists probably isn’t above telling a little fib or two to assuage the gullible Democrat socialists in their audience.

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Katie Pavlich has a great opinion piece at headlined “ The Left Always Defends the Real Criminals”. I m posting from it because i agree with her…and she says it better than i can.

It ties the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution to the Jacob Blake shooting, reminding the reader that “ 29-year-old Jacob Blake — who had multiple warrants out for his arrest, including third-degree sexual assault and criminal trespassing — was refusing police orders and was shot. The media immediately claimed Blake was shot because he was a black man, not because he had a knife, was refusing police orders and was attempting to kidnap his two children.”

The piece starts this way…

“Last summer, as Black Lives Matter and Antifa were rioting in the streets of America, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media described their behavior as “fiery but mostly peaceful” and justified the damage for the sake of “racial justice.” Two billion dollars in damage later, making them the most expensive riots in U.S. history, they haven’t changed their opinion. In fact, they’ve doubled down and regularly defend the violence.”

A couple of paragraphs later MS Pavlich writes, “Because of these lies, chaos quickly descended on the small town of Kenosha, Wisconsin, and rioters started burning down the city. The media had sided with Blake, a criminal with a long history, and fanned racial flames built on falsehoods.”

Lying is part of what the terrorists at BLM do.


I agree, not for that reason.

Yes, he is. BLM is a movement.

She’s big, but a crew?


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democrats will play their narrative games, as always but people see and realize this

I have no patience with it…Mr Newsome is BLM just like that woman screeching about “reparations” last summer in Chicago was BLM…just like the people who tried to burn people’s stuff down from New York to Portland are BLM (and their Antifa cousins).

“But a year ago blm said he’s not part of their group you should believe them!” Bull ■■■■ I need to believe that…500 plus riots, 2 billion plus in damage, 100s of thousands of law enforcement officers reputations attacked, “what do we want dead cops when do we want ‘em NOW…”

I absolutely believe this Newsome dirtbag not just reflects but is BLM.


he’s BLM alright. theyre just pretending he’s not. He’ll cost them their money train in the long run too that’s why their corrupt loons pretend he’s separate

BLM big mama needs her mansions mmhmmm


No. Weakening any communist country is good. Nixon was an idiot for opening China. The Clintons and modern DNC even bigger idiots for taking their 30 pieces of silver.

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We have normalized relations with Vietnam.

There is no reason to not normalize relations with Cuba… but maybe another 60 years of embargo will finally bring them down.

It doesn’t work.

Making things suck for them is okay by me.

It makes then worse.

Nixon didn’t open trade with them, he opened dialogue, Carter opened trade with them.

So I just did a pretty I think thorough google search…since all the really smart guys in the room are telling us BLM has disavowed this Newsome clown…and since there are multiple news stories describing the New York BLM organizer talking about all the bad things that will happen…

I figured ok… certainly if blm has disavowed this guy there will be some statement this week distancing the big BLM from his comments…

You know…”Mr. Newsome does not speak for Black Lives Matter we encourage peace, truth, justice, and the American way…” or something.

No such statement exists…they haven’t tried to disconnect from him at all as near as I can find.

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I’m going to disagree a bit here.