but bush wasnt an admitted plagiarist, caught in lies about his class standing and grades, showing signs of dementia/incoherence, and repeatedly displaying odd touching and nuzzling around multiple young (and some adult) girls
there wasnt a total lack of energy or enthusiasm in bush’s campaign, and he had some modicum of class unlike the arrogant loudmouth biden. bush didnt repeatedly denigrate citizens for asking him a toughie question by calling them dog face, or fat.
bush didnt have a loser crack head baby daddy to stripper kicked out of the military son who sat on corrupt boards and made billion dollar pay for plays for Biden that the media ignored, lied about and hard censored.
I could go on. you get the idea. what you’ll do tho is ignore it, and sit and dig up everything you can now on the bush’s as though it compares to the disaster that this admin already is in big part thanks to the unlikeable, ineffectual Harris