Moscow Terrorist Attack

Interesting and informative. Thanks.

Looks like USA had info about comming attack and didn’t pass on to Russia.
Guess Russia will return the favor?
The Russian Ambasador says.

They literally passed on that information. And publicly too.

What? But the US did pass information on.

If the US warned its citizens there publicly you know they passed whatever intelligence they had onto Russia.

Its amazing how desperate some on the right are to pin the terror attack in Moscow as a failing of Biden.

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The embassy posted information to warn US citizens on March 7. The Russian government reportedly learned about the US warning from the internet posting.

Technical Difficulties

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson has noted the curious behavior from the US government before and during the attack. Just hours before the attack, OSINTdefender, an X/twitter account with apparent connections within the US government, reported that people in the National Security Council were concerned about unauthorized attacks by Ukraine against Russia.

While the attack was still under way, the US State Department denied any Ukrainian involvement.

“There is no indication at this time that Ukraine, or Ukrainians, were involved in the shooting,” Kirby told reporters. “I would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to Ukraine.”
US Says No Sign Of Ukraine Role In 'Terrible' Moscow Attack | Barron's

As Johnson notes, the preemptive denials of responsibility point to US advance knowledge and likely Ukrainian involvement. I think he as some good points.

I see you’ve gotten your talking points. Gotta earn those rubles.

And I don’t think you know what preemptive means. You can be skeptical of denials, but preemptive denials would be us saying we/Ukraine had nothing to do with the attack before it happened.


Larry Johnson, as it the Michelle Obama “whitey tape” guy?

OSINTdefender is a 25-year old videogame nerd who joined the Army in 2019. He has no “connections.”


And Putin blew it off, said the warning was a US attempt to destabilize Russia. Russia is a great country led by clowns.

Looks good on a horse and hates gays though. So MAGA hero. All that matters.


Looking good on a horse is enough.

well i’ll be damned. should have known

A tall order. :rofl:

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I’m seeing more and more talk about attack here is inevitable.

That blood will be on libs/Biden and democrat hands if and when that happens.

And if it does not happen does Biden and his administration get the credit for keeping the country safe?

It’s going to happen…some day.

So no matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, no matter when it happens…it will be libs/Biden’s fault. Gotcha. :roll_eyes:

If they find out they came across the southern border…you betcha.

What if its identified they came over the southern border during Trumps term? Will you hold him to the same standard?

What if like the 9/11 terrorists who entered the country legally these theoretical terrorists are here legally, is Biden still at fault?

I believe I was pretty clear wasn’t I?

About Biden yes but not about Trump.