Moscow Terrorist Attack

Nah man. If you have a thought, share it. As I said, I was interested in how you guys might try to make this about Biden.

Three adult-length years and itā€™s still not the Kid Snifferā€™s fault what he does for Foreign Policy. :rofl:


If ISIS is responsible for the attack, I believe they made a mistake. Unlike TJ, Putin wonā€™t sympathize with terrorists. Not that Putin gives a crap about the lives of his people, but heā€™ll see this attack as an insult to his power. Expect a retaliation that will actually cause ISIS to think twice about committing acts of terrorism in Russia. Perhaps TJ will learn something about how terrorists should be dealt with. Heā€™ll have to be very careful about what he says. He canā€™t piss off Putin because his paycheck will be cut, but heā€™s got those terrorist supporting Muslims in Michigan and in the squad that he canā€™t afford to piss off either because itā€™s an election year and heā€™s way down in the polls. Like the war between Israel and Hamas, no matter what TJ says or does, he loses.

Poor, poor TJā€¦:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

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A pet project and a source of entertainment. The DODā€™s pet terrorists fighting the CIAā€™s pet terrorists all with US taxpayer money.

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Putin was attacked in the rear while fighting a war to the front.


Couldnā€™t ask for a spicier Contra. :rofl:


You and @Dorsalfinsky are the only ones to mention Biden hereā€¦


Such quick biden defense tacticsā€¦before anyone mentioned himā€¦and some wonder why we laugh so muchā€¦

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What has me concerned is within the last week or so Putin said nukes are a possibility if they are attacked. Reports out say the US warned Putin of a possible attack a few weeks ago and apparently ignored the intel. Does not take a genius to connect dots.

By ā€œconnecting the dots,ā€ you mean the dots Putin ignored leading to the attack? Whoā€™s he going to nuke? Afghanistan? The Taliban and ISIS K are enemies. The US? No.

Remember how bloodthirsty libs have been this whole time, salivating over every Russian death in Ukraine?

Now look at their crocodile tears when Russians die.

These betas are nothing like the historical figures who earned the title of Great. :wink:


Assuming Putin ignored. Of course.

Maybe be Putin paid attention privately, but failed to stop the attack?

Publicly, he dismissed US warnings:

But maybe itā€™s more Putin chess mastery weā€™re all too dim to understand?

So you libs raised it, and now are whining like juveniles when someone responds to it.

Typical lib dishonesty.

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So we all agree, Biden didnā€™t cause this terror attack.


Why did ISIS attack russia?

Aside from being a special project of the CIA, I cannot fathom a reason.

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You guys meaning left-winger brought Biden name up?

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Theyā€™re gonna keep their circle clique repeating their accusation. They have no shame.


Looks like someone was blaming biden after all.

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This is their most intelligent effort too. Letā€™s not forget that. :wink: