More proof that the US has the worst COVID response

Been saying this for months. leftists assured us Europe was doing it right, they had figured out how to beat COVID. Testing and tracing were the key. Well, much of europe has been vastly underreporting cases because for most of the summer most of europe was only testing people with symptoms. Some countries started in July to expand testing. The results show we are doing about the same as europe only most of europe is on the same COVID timeline, while the US is not.

in other places, India reported 90K cases in ONE day and Brazil, where testing is minimal reports over 50K xases a day.

The U.S. is made up of states who decide their own Covid response. The feds can restrict travel, but that’s about it. The vaccine will be here shortly anyway.

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I know. The title is sarcasm


Anybody with a brain can see that this virus thing was handled as good as it’s going to get anywhere in the world, without enforcing guidelines in military style. We have freedom and with that comes responsibility. If you want to give up that freedom believing that will decrease your chances of catching this virus, that’s one way but the way it’s been handled, allowing me to set my own course is what I want. I don’t need government interference in our lives…just accurate information that helps me set my course.


Canada has no deaths from Covid yesterday.


niether did wyoming.


Yeah, Canada Is pretty low populated. And Covid doesn’t spread by sled dog.


Don’t they understand how more testing leads to more deaths?

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Lack of responsibility likely contributed to a good many infections. But let’s not focus on responsibility let’s blame the Prez, it’s way more cooler. :sunglasses:

Why is it only fake news is concerned about cases and not deaths?

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Accurate unlike the CDC coming out and saying only 6% of the 145.000 were covid deaths?

…cuz that would get Governor Cuomo in trouble?

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That was funny.

I find it funny that this is used as an example to show that the US is doing things right.

Well to be fair, the bar has been set low enough that doing anything right at this point would be a major improvement.

It could be that the virus is going to run it’s course no matter who does what.


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That’s not what they said.

And yet we know there are countries who are managing it.

Yes it doesn’t go away but it’s being managed.

You mean by keeping the countries locked down?