More obstruction

I explained that. I have been going over my copy of the “HOUSE RULES AND MANUAL” given to every member of Congress, and under that section which deals with “Inception of Impeachment proceeding in the House” I cannot find rules about an “impeachment inquiry” or rules allowing what is now called an “impeachment inquiry”.

There are House Rules which govern its actions. I cannot find rules governing an “impeachment inquiry” or rules allowing what is now called an “impeachment inquiry”.

The only thing with respect to this is “Inception of Impeachment proceeding in the House”.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALIST and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.

Hear are the House rules for the 166th Congress (Current).

Funny I did a word search and the word impeachment doesn’t exist.

So how about linking to this rule book you say you are reading.

He’s referring to the Jefferson’s Manual traditionally incorporated into the enabling legislation for the house rules… The Robert’s Rules of Order for the house…

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Misspeaking is not lying. Of course we all inadvertently say something that is not what we meant. When that happens you correct the record.

However, what Trump said about his father being born in Germany was repeated. And it is such a stupid lie. It is so very easily proved to be a lie and what was the motivation for that lie in the first place.

I would suggest what most of the people are critical of Trump are not trivial matters.

Any rule which prohibits it?

Thank you for posting that link. I only have a hard copy.


Thank you.

But what you are pointing out about Trump, Obama also did the same thing. And Obama did not come out and grovel on his knees apologizing either.
Petty nit piking is what third graders do. To adults they are just not that important.
Obama’s lies about policy were important but I’m sure you excuse those lies form him but want to take Trump to the wood shed for what you believe were his lies about policy.
And I sure you can provide proof that Trump misspoke about his father more than once because I remember him saying it once and like Obama I gave him a pass for misspeaking.

What would really make America great again would be an investigation into how this impeachment inquiry got started!

Is B Obama the current USA President? It is not nitpicking to point out that D Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. It is not nitpicking to point out that D Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women. It is not nitpicking to point out the consequences of a trade war with China. It is not nitpicking to point out that what happened to the Kurds was a direct consequence of Trump’s actions.

I just cant figure out what most of this has to do with you?
Why do you care who pays for the wall? Me, I will willingly pay for the wall. In fact I’ll probably save money by not having to support people who are not even citizens. If you care so much about all the illegals pouring across our borders how about we pay the cost and send them to you to support.
Why do you care what Trump has done sexually is it any business of yours? As for him assaulting women I believe your spewing left wing talking points with no facts to back you up. In fact I can’t seem to remember Trump being arrested and tried for sexual assault so maybe you can point me to where I can learn about his conviction.
If your so worried about the Kurds maybe you need to spend more of your time getting your own country to send troops over there in harms way to protect the Kurds instead of expecting us to do your dirty work for you. Me, I’m tired of the US having to do all the dirty work.
The trade war what business is it of yours if we get a deal that is more fair to USA. Maybe you need to spend more time getting your own country to work out a better deal with China.

I suspect you will care a great deal when a democratic president bypasses congress by declaring a bogus national emergency to secure funds for some pet project…

Did you care when Obama bypassed congress to get DACA? I’m sure you praised him for it because you know what was he supposed to do those evil conservatives wouldn’t give him what he wanted. As for what Trump did I’m sure if he had a d behind his name you would be on board and defending him. Me I don’t just go along with what ever my party does.
In fact if you read on here you would know that I did not agree with what Trump did.

It won’t be for lack of trying.


Obama does have a D behind his name. If he had done what Trump has done in the past three years, I would be hollering for HIS impeachment. So, I would bet, would most of the “libs” on this forum.

Who’s with me?!!

Hes not the one incapable of backing up their talking points

I’m sure you were calling for Obama’s impeachment for killing a US citizen without a trail and when he bypassed congress and created DACA.? If you did all this than show me and I’ll believe your not just a partisan hack who puts party over country.

Calling me out are you?
Care to make a point.
Or are you afraid to look up the facts because they would prove you wrong. Gets me that there are so many people that like to talk politic but don’t even know what happened less than 10 years ago. Are you another one that does not think Reid had control of the senate for most of Obama’s two terms. And are playing dumb to not knowing the facts of what old Harry did. If I want the know what happened I go look it up for myself.

Now that trump just threatened turkey with military force to protect the Kurds are you good again with it?

I leave the military decisions to our military they know more about whats going on than I do.
But if some foreign country wants to complain about what we are doing they need to get off their butts and spend their own money and put their own men and woman’s lives on the line if it is that important to them. I’m tired of my sons and daughters doing all the work and taking all the risk.

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