More leftist stupidity in California

I disagree.

I think if people have health care, a decent wage so they can live a nice life, and the work place provides a good environment and benefits, they’ll be happy and that will result in better service.

Menial jobs do not attract the best and brightest or the most motivated people. Give them 22 with a 3.5%increase and they’ll still demand more.

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But they’re apartments are about the size of our average bathrooms…

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Great. Now a robot will be able to throw my order at me, get my order wrong and not make correct change…

I can pretty much promise that everyone who works at Providence makes well over any minimum wage.

If you can’t figure out how math is applicable in that scenario on your own I doubt I can explain it to you.

Entry level? :joy:

Chat GPT says hello to the white collars

We are on the cusp of an AI revolution but not in the robots kind of way.

Well then the law could apply to them
($22’hr minimum plus a 2.5% annual increase) and it won’t bother them at all.

Yet miraculously the law specifies fast food.
Not expensive restaurants, not trendy restaurants,
not even Olive Garden.

Just the places owned by John and Sally serving sandwiches to guys who who have their names on their shirts.

Why oh why did they exempt the restaurants that serve people who have nannies and personal assistants and summer homes and ski habits?


Long way from predicting what the next word in a sentence should be to doing a white collar job. Depending on the job of course, white collar is so broad as to be virtually meaningless in this context.

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Dang you’re good. You continually ignore the whole picture and point. You forgot about the owner. If you think a mandated raising of his labor costs isn’t going to have a serious impact on his bottom line you are deluded. I don’t know what you think the profit margins are in a small restaurant, or even a McDonald’s to a franchise owner is, but I guarantee you it isn’t as large as you think. If a small restaurant owner needs 20 people to run his store and can pay them 15 dollars an hour each, might it occur to him that a 50 % increase in his labor costs and only a 20% increase in food prices is still a 30% loss to him? :thinking::thinking: What might he do to compensate do you think? Let 3 or 4 employees go perhaps? And what if he loses 5% business outright because people can no longer afford his prices? Goodbye 3 or 4 more?
Oh well, at least SOME people are being helped. I thought you were an all or nothing guy though…

You clearly have no idea what Chat GPT does

This idea that advancements will only impact low wage workers is a pipe dream. It’s changing the entire landscape

Me either. I will just eat out even less than I do already.
Which is likely to be the general result.

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Fair enough
but why only Fast Food?
Why not fancy restaurants in the Napa Valley?

And why limit only to restaurants and not include vineyard workers, housekeepers, massage therapists, aroma therapy counter personnel, yoga instructors, hairdressers, golf caddies,
personal shoppers, nannies and personal assistants to the rich and famous?
No this law is not about a living wage.
It is about the gov’t declaring it hates a sector of industry and punishing it in a politically-palatable way. (Get it? Palatable??)

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Oh yes, it’s ready to take over, from your link…

You can ask it countless questions and often will get an answer that’s useful.

Here’s the catch: ChatGPT doesn’t exactly know anything. It’s an AI that’s trained to recognize patterns in vast swaths of text harvested from the internet, then further trained with human assistance to deliver more useful, better dialog. The answers you get may sound plausible and even authoritative, but they might well be entirely wrong, as OpenAI warns.

Sounds like the perfect employee, not.

Did I say ready to take over?

I mean sure it’s no flippy :joy:

We are far off from entirely replacing humans, what’s coming is software that will increase productivity to levels humans alone cannot reach.

Now this is funny! :+1:


Nice about face.

I understand

I would kind of be cautious about how much power you give those computers. :smile:

If AI ever really start taking white collar jobs, that can be remedied immediately by electing one to office, they will be outlawed the next day. If you can’t pull that one off, hire a few as lawyers, same result.