More Leftist Indoctrination with directions to hide it from parents

I think you’re confusing what would work as a chant for a mob out to intimidate a part time school board, with what might allow people using this medium to understand why you feel ungendered pronouns are an act of sexual assault.

The accepted standards are changing. What was once considered deviant, no longer applies.

I understand some conservatives are not good at accepting change. Most usually get it right…eventually.

Remember when gay marriage was bad?

No, you really don’t.

The foreign language references are just a deflection. The language being spoken is English and the pronouns are not being used to make a linguistic construct based on the linguistic gender of the word. This is being used to push the notion sex and gender are not actual things, but rather just made up constructs. The idea is to try to claim that everyone is actually any gender, or many genders. And they have to convince people that biology isn’t real, even though all males have a XY for their sex determining genes and all females have XX, with corresponding physiological reproductive organs. This is woke gone mad, all in an attempt to make people suffering from gender dysphoria dysfunction deny the truth that their own eyes tell them when they look at their body in the mirror. And they are doing it by preying on children during their early years with indoctrination. And if there was no harm in it, why not make sure the legal parents of these children are aware. But then the parents might take their children to a licensed psychologist to determine if the child has gender dysphoria. And when found that the child doesn’t have gender dysphoria it would become apparent that the school staff (who are not licensed psychologists) was pushing an agenda and planting false material in a child’s mind.


You missing the point is not someone else deflecting.

So, let’s skip the tl:dr:

How does this ordinary English sentence lead to a confusion about genitalia?

'Someone left the door open. Do you know who they were?"


Homosexuality is a preference in sexual attraction, not a denial of personal biological reality.

Limbic reactions that occur prior to forebrain contextualizations are not preferences.

It’s like arguing that you prefer that your farts come out your rectum.


What they’re doing is confusing those individuals for exploitation/grooming. And it’s being done on purpose.

Please explain how allowing a teenager who feels like a she to express that with a she pronoun is just like what Law, Ratzenberger and, it seems, every Irish priest since 1846 did, with the full force of the world’s oldest, largest property owner behind them.

Teachers don’t get to discuss a child’s transition with their parents unless the child tells them it’s OK to do so, and you think this is wrong…why?

If your child is talking about/thinking about a transition, think about what it says about you as a parent that the child feels he/she needs to hide that from you.

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It isn’t about language. The issue is adults in positions of trust and responsibility intentionally pushing a false premise on children, while actively concealing their activity from the minor child’s legal parent(s). And as the premise being pushed is a recognized mental health condition in individuals who are unable to accept the reality of their biological body. Further it is well documented that actual cases of this dysphoria leads to higher suicide rates, even after some individuals have taken the extreme steps of having their bodies medically altered in the vain attempt to transform themselves into something they are not.

But I do actually hope you progressives keep arguing in favor of schools concealing things from parents. A parent’s children are usually more important than their own life. This is the type of issue that triggers a gut level response in voting age family members of children.


That is not what they were told to “keep” from parents.

You really don’t get to claim pronoun usage isn’t about language.

All the rest is really not addressable, especially not in a meaningful way, if you start with the premise that using pronouns isn’t a convention of speech.

So, can we start there? Are pronouns a function of language? And, that language is fundamentally about communication of meaning?

Does this say more about your parenting than it does about the teacher?

In this scenario your child doesn’t want you to know… why would you focus on the teacher and not why your child wants to keep something from you?

They were told to keep all of it away from parents. Keep the teaching of the fluidity premise from parents. Keep the information that a child was acting on the teachings and taking concrete steps like changing pronouns from the parents. It is exactly what they are doing. And it is preying on the mental health of minors by people not licensed to practice medicine for a woke political objective.

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Are you suggesting transgenders, are just in denial? Is it possible it is biological, but it is not visual, ie like the brain>

I think the more foundational problem is that they’re mistaking genitalia for gender, and compounding that error with an unwillingness to see that conventions of speech are not causally linked to genitalia, or gender.

If there were a causal link between genitalia and pronouns, close to three hundred million people (and probably more) would have no way of communicating about their genitals, or expressing their gender.


Conservatives conveniently forget that there are so many horrible parents out there. Why so many homosexuals had to hide who they are, especially from their parents, and how completely awful many of them had it when coming out to their parents.

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You can rest easy, because none of that is happening in the example from the OP.

There’s nothing in the article about withholding “the teaching of fluidity” from parents.