More Leftist Indoctrination with directions to hide it from parents

You raised the point of “Italians having sex”.
Use your imagination.

What you seem not to understand is that there is no separate word for he or she (or in some cases, ‘it’, as Turkish o covers that too, while Persian is even ‘weirder’ with it and this and that, building proximity into their forms) in these languages.

Now, pay attention maybe for a wee bit longer than the normal reaction-grievance circuit. You think I chose Hungary, Turkey and Iran by accident?

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No, I raised a point about gender in language, specifically pronouns.

I’ll stand corrected to your point. I still take exception to your closing derogatory comment about “Italians”.
I also maintain that idiots that withhold information from parents about what they are “teaching” children do not belong in a classroom. What else are these people capable of?


I understood that. And that’s why no one is being dishonest in referring in Turkish to a male as o. Or a female as o. Or a dog as o. Or a tree as o.

But English has three gender pronouns. “It” is neutral. “It” can be either male or female or inanimate. We also have “they”, which can be used as a genderless singular pronoun

Someone is walking down the road. They are wearing a tracksuit.

For a male who wishes to reject his natural gender, he can be referred to as “they”, or “it”. But not she.

What is derogatory about implying that a language-wide dropping of pronouns has not led to a plague of sexing up strangers they aren’t attracted to?

No, English has nine pronouns. And it has none of the ‘clarity’ of, say, Hebrew, which allows one to gender we and they.

And what are you going to about the cross-dialect, regular epicene employment of they in referring to a singular party.

“Somebody left their unfinished coffee at the office” has no obligate gender and is singular in number. Should we abolish that because you need pronouns to match genitalia?

You do not have the qualifications to make that judgement.
Better to stay in your lane.

What makes you think you’re better qualified?

I don’t need to respect you or anyone else for that matter.

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Oh one other thing…you also don’t get to tell me what to do lib.

Never said I was. I tend to not discuss topics I am not well versed, or that interested in.
Just more culture war BS.

You, yinz and y’all don’t have gender. Why aren’t they agitating mightily to do for English what any Israeli can do without having to think about it?

(Imagine their confusion when reading a literal translation of Dutch and discovering all the ways the ordinary word for ‘he’ becomes ‘it’ without implying any maleness or masculinity.)

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I made a simple suggestion.
Have you tried meditation? It has a nice calming effect.

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Is this for real?

Culture war that you and other libs started.

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Have you ever tried using common sense?

It’s an act of war to allow for a child to know what they know about themselves?

It’s act of child mental molestation is what left is doing.

How is a child molested by allowing that child to experience themselves on their own terms.

Molestation is a grievous charge, so it seems an explanation of the mechanics are in order.

How is a pronoun that does not obligate reference to genitalia just like illicitly touching genitalia. Please, explain that. Maybe even without any snarl-words?