More Chinese Disease Anyone?

Apparently the high death rates in the early stages of covid19 may have been a mishandling in relation to nursing homes, as 43% of deaths occurred there.

Sorry, but the government is the only agency that can accomplish some things. In the example of the hurricane, it is only with government sponsored satellites that we can prepare for hurricanes.

It is only with government enforced no gouging laws and govt. prepared evacuation routes, and government prepared shelters that we can work together and minimize the impacts.

Sorry, but that’s just reality.

I guess we will be shutting down again when this thing hits? Are we going to be afraid to live now? That’s the new normal?

If we prepare correctly we can minimize the impact.

Does that mean shutting down the country again? What about next time?

Not if we handled things correctly up front.

Might have to limit some large indoor gatherings…

But what are we talking about? We’re still not even coming close to handling COVID correctly.

since I took this virus seriously, I dont have to do anything differently.

I’m prepared … not for a literal apocalypse but close to it. Granted, survival level but good enough. I do have a few gaps to fill still but I’m in pretty good shape for a year.

hang on till November!!!

gonna be a wild few months

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Why do you care since everything is about skin color these days the Chinese are probably the most racist group of people in the world outside of India. Have you seen some of their mainstream commercials, or the way they talk about black people? It’s enough to make David Duke blush, I would have thought China would be enemy number uno, among the left because of their open racism.

When they aren’t ducking black peoples heads in laundering machines to make them Chinese or beating them at factories, they are signs all over the place near foreign worker centers that literally say 'No blacks allowed" in front of businesses.These are not isolated incidents and supported by most of the general population. I sometimes wonder the triggering of some of the more woke westerners visited these countries if they would come back with a different worldview as how the world feels outside the west.

They want to stop the black invasion in fear of turning into western nations not to let “thousands of years of Chinese blood become polluted.”

Madeleine Thiam and Christelle Mbaya, Senegalese journalists in Beijing, said they are saddened but not shocked when they are discriminated against in China.

“Sometimes people pinch their noses as I walk by, as if they think I smell. On the subway, people often leave empty seats next to me or change seats when I sit down,” said Thiam. “Women have come up to rub my skin, asking if it is ‘dirt’ and if I’ve had a shower.”

I’d like to order a big, yuuuuuuuuuge, beautiful…bomb and have it dropped in the middle of China.

I asked a friend the other day if we were going to shut the whole damn country down again whenever Covid 20 showed up…

He said “yeah…it’ll be here just in time for the next election!”

Now there’s a good Monday Morning quarterback…

You folks have no idea what you could have done better and you know it.

Hell maybe if the governor of New York hadn’t been so slow on the draw the virus wouldn’t have gotten out to the rest of the country, maybe if that clown hadn’t stuck all those people in nursing homes we wouldn’t have so many dead…he was telling people to come to New York and San Fran NaN was pushing “come to Chinatown” in March…a full month after Trump shut down travel. Hell maybe next time the Congess will care more about the pending virus it ignored and less about some stupid useless impeachment…maybe the good dr fauci will make up his mind on wearing masks sooner…

Face it it doesn’t matter what this administration does smartest guy in the room leftists will tell us it was all wrong.


I nominate “new normal” to be placed on a list of phrases that can never ever be used again.

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New virus from China?

We need to praise the leader of China.
Then declare that 15 cases are going down to zero
Then play golf for a month
Then blame China
Then claim its a Democratic hoax
Then tell America masks are not necessary
Then blame China again

Wow…wouldn’t that be a new experience for libs? Blame the actual source…instead of what you’re fed?


“Libs” have always stated that the virus originated in China.
The difference is that “libs” didn’t thank the leader of China before blaming China.
“Libs” didn’t brag about partial bans on flights to and from China without recognizing that flights from Europe were going unchecked.
“Libs” didn’t go around claiming “15 cases will soon go down to zero” or that “when the weather gets warmer in April, the virus will go away, like a miracle”.
“Libs” took this seriously.

Bout all I can say is,



That is called marginalize, Bro

Let’s see…while the President was stopping flights from China, libs were labeling him a racist for doing this and the lib leader said, “visit Chinatown…it’s safe” at the end of February which was beyond idiotic so please stop the bull feces?


Really? That’s great. I would have thought you would have been one of those unfortunately misguided individuals attending one of those Trump rallies.