More Americans blame Trump for shutdown (Reuters)

That’s weird, because Sen. Lindsey Graham says that the wall is a metaphor for border security.

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Like Trump would know what a metaphor is.

What message would get you on board?

Why should the government be shut down if Mexico is supposed to pay for the wall

Precisely. Trump shouldn’t even be talking to Congress about the funding at this point. Get the money from Mexico, then he can ask them for authorization to spend that funding on said wall separately from the regular spending bills. Problem solved.

From President Trump? A message of voluntarily resigning.

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So it really doesn’t matter, does it?

Nothing really matters. Anyone can see. Lol

I never said it did. I said they were bad at it and explained why they were.


So just an idle comment from the bleachers. Cool.

Commenting on current political events is the whole point behind social media sites like this. Lol

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What - is this a political forum or something? :rofl:

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Wait - this isn’t facebook?

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Idle comments from one who admittedly doesn’t care about the “messaging”? Ok, if you say so.

Maybe it feels horrible because you aren’t listening and don’t care?

“Build the wall, build the wall…which is actually a metaphor for some fencing and some artistically designed steel slats that you can see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides)!!!”

Hmmm…that won’t roll off the tongue as easily at his rallies.

Of course it is. Is a person who refuses to listen a valid judge of a message?

I heard it’s a metaphor for a concrete wall, which people may be able to see through at points. Then again, Kellyanne said it was just a metaphor for “border security.”

Maybe they need to pass the funding so they can find out what’s in it.

The fact I am listening is how I know it is horrible. Lol

Except you were mistaken about your assumption I’m refusing to listen. We all know what happens when you assume. Lol

He could sing it in Whitney’s voice and it wouldn’t matter, would it?

Ok, if you say so. I don’t actually listen to him, I can’t stand the sound of his voice.