Moral Obligations of The Social Contract

I couldn’t possibly care less how you “take” me.

I explained my post. You’re welcome to read it, it’s right up there.

What you explain is you don’t have a clue how individual morality seeps into public display of ethics which laws are based upon.

And too think you’re a lawyer in training?

Me thinks you should ask for your money back. :wink:


Again, that’s exactly what I just said. That’s the second time this thread that you’ve agreed with me by accident.

Ethics, morals and law are three separate concepts, yet are all linked, with each exerting varying degrees of force on each other.

My MASH analogy is slightly flawed, since in that situation is linear - whereas the relationships between morals and ethics, ethics and law, and law and morals is more complicated.

You just can’t admit how individual…or left-wing morals seeps into public laws can you? You’re trying to pull a Clinton and argue the definition of “is” is.

Depends on the circumstances.


It’s as if you’re having an entirely differrnt conversation in your head, and I don’t even need to be here.

Don’t let me interrupt you.

Deflection like this won’t work in court room counselor.


Refusing to address your army of strawmen is not “deflecting”, counselor.

You appear to be talking about something else entirely from what I’m talking about.

I don’t care about whatever you’re talking about. If you want to take the time to understand where I’m coming from, lets talk.

If you want to tilt at windmills and declare victories for yourself, I’m not interested.

My orgnal comment stands. You’re splitting hairs between ethics and morality to justify your reality.


Whatever you say.

Non practicing

Yeah right.

You’re practicing right now.

Glad you agree.

Do you have a coherent question? You were asking about rituals - I have none. Period. Why do you waste people’s time like this?

Do you say “Hail Obama” for penance?

You messed up the quote.

I didn’t mess up anything. When you highlight and hit the quote function that’s how they come up.

And Throw them in jail for not “contributing”?

The “social contract” of the left is slavery.