Moral Obligations of The Social Contract

It’s the price we pay for being a civilized society.

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Says who?

We are neither civilized nor “a” society.

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of course, decisions are made by the impartial agents of the bureau of social justice…

it must be double plus good

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This is coming from a guy that said this about Conservatives in my thread just recently;


Him-Because they deserve it. They aren’t decent human beings. Generally.

Me-who deserves what?
Him-The people being yelled at deserve to be yelled at.

Me-So Conservatives aren’t decent human beings, and we deserved to get yelled at, and called Racist, Sexist, and nothing is off limits to the Liberal activists. It doesn’t matter if a Conservative is out shopping, or out for lunch or dinner with family, or out with the kids. Nothing is off limits to the Democrats. That’s sad.

10 chara

Me-lol. 10 characters
That’s definitely a logical way of thinking, and isn’t ignorant at all! lmao!

Him-It’s actually relatively easy - don’t be a conservative and you won’t get yelled at.

Thanks for trying.

LOL. I should have known.

Not with a 10 foot pole, huh.

Yes we are and yes we are.

There will always be some people who do not want to contribute to the good of society. We call them selfish and self centered.

Society is tyranny. There’s no way around that.

The only way to escape tyranny is to leave society altogether. That’s not as easy as going inside your house. You have to get out of the reach of anyone who can enforce their will on you.

It would be intolerable to live in a society unless there are plenty of tyrannies you like as well.

To cut through most of the ramblings of the OP, society seeks to preserve itself. The social contract seeks to prevent social unrest.

And the power structure looks to preserve itself. Going back to the days of Rome, bread and circuses was about keeping citizens from revolting. Fast forward to today, when enough people demand a social program, politicians will eventually give it to them to stay in office. Its got nothing to do with morality, its about self preservation.

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Social programs don’t win elections, otherwise Democrats wouldn’t be as powerless as they’ve been for the last few decades.

Society has to decide they want the social programs. This is a long term endever. The country didn’t start with social programs such as social security, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

I don’t really care about “obligations.” I’m more concerned with outcomes. I believe the core of policy should pursue a social optimum (from a game theory standpoint). Take the prisoner’s dilemma:

. Cooperate Defect
Cooperate Both serve 1 A serves 3;B goes free
Defect A goes free;B serves 3 Both serve 2

The Nash equilibrium is for both to Defect because it’s more risky to cooperate as the other prisoner (i.e. it’s the only choice where the outcome is worse if they unilaterally change decisions). Whereas, the optimum is for both to cooperate as that has the overall optimum “economic” outcome (a total of 2 years served, rather than 3 or 4 years in the other cases). However, acting strictly in one’s own self-interest, it’s not the rational choice.

Conservatives, rugged individualists, Dont Tread On Me, Soveriegn Citizen types are more likely to go the Defect route. I’d rather go the Cooperate route, but that takes coordination and, gasp, Central Planning (the HORROR!!!).

This thread reminds me of a quote by Margaret Thatcher on society.

"I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand 'I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it’ … and so they are casting their problems upon society, and who is society? There are individual men and women and there are families, and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then after our neighbour … and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations.”

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it started with an aptly named form of slavery

The purest libertarian I have run across.

Cuz the voters said so and the Constitution does not specifically prohibit it.

Where does this obligation come from?