Moral Obligations of The Social Contract

Where does this obligation come from?

So we accept some tyrannies and not others, but we don’t get to choose?

How’s that working out for you?

Good post.

The Republicans do it too.

What do you think wins elections?

So logic has nothing to do with it?

Of course they do. They want to keep their jobs and act accordingly. We won’t see too much deviation from that norm.

I don’t care for your society, at all.

I like mine.

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Getting close to 250 years and the only uprising was a last gasp effort to preserve chattel slavery.

Not too bad.

Can’t say any one thing wins races in every instance. Playing on tribal animosity is a good way.

The optimal route is usually the irrational route within the context of solely pursuing ones own self-interests. However, aggregate results are higher with the optimal route, though not a Nash equilibrium. If you want, I can post some results from a few Monte Carlo simulations of different scenarios to demonstrate what I mean.

They mean they want a “floor” for themselves at any cost because they live in fear. It’s has nothing to do with others. That’s why they want to use force to get it. There’s no proof the current welfare system is making us more prosperous than before it came to full flower. In fact wages have stagnated since then. It’s caused the break up of many poor families.

If that’s their personality, why shouldn’t they be allowed to be who they are as long as they do’t hurt someone?

The 10th Amendment is inclusive of all possible powers besides the enumerated Powers when it forbids the federal doing anything for which there is no delegated power given.

So, yes, it is forbidden.

Elections are not amendments to the Constitution any more than people’s circumstances are.

You don’t know your history.

Thanks, but that’s ok. Game theory bores me.

I don’t think so, it’s not the “poor” I’m talking about.

This is who I’m talking about.

Because that’s the price everyone must pay to live in a civilized society.

It’s civilized to hurt or steal from someone because of their personality?