Moon or College?

While regulation and accreditation are two separate things they are ultimately intertwined. Federal money always comes with strings. Always.

Sounds like big government liberalism to me

Maybe we need an extra year of high school instead of 4 years college

Would you loan someone money to get a history degree or a chemical engineering degree? How will they pay the money back?

It’s the same principle with all other loans. Can they pay it back?

The university makes you pay before you take the class.

Pure capitalism is bad and only benefits the people making the money. In this particular case, the banks. But hey, what can you expect when the government that’s supposed to be preventing crap like this is busy representing the banks instead of the people who have student debt because these same people who are also behind the push for everyone to get a degree are the ones lobbying them? What could possibly go wrong there?

It’s almost like the reason we ended up with the ACA instead of an actual fix for our broken healthcare system was because it was the insurance industry who lobbied for the bulk of it. Imagine that.

And you have to pay before you see a concert or movie, or a vacation package …? So? Syllabus and class outline content can be requested

I wont defend big banks in this country. It’s a problem I believe is caused by increasing income gaps. Big banks and corporations arent interested in higher wages. It’s a great way to keep people working for a low wage, if they owe you money. Trickle down comes down in the form of debt. Rich get richer.

Banks make all of the money while assuming none of the risk. While charging an interest rate reflective of any other “high risk” loan. Why aren’t guaranteed loans zero interest? There’s zero risk. Where do I sign up for this deal?

“I wont defend big banks in this country.”

You don’t have to. You see, they have enough money that the Federal government will do that for them.

It’s not just the big banks either. It’s the entire upper class.

Of course. The golden rule. Those with the gold make all the rules.

It’s a monopoly

Pretty close. The banks own pretty much everything. They’re also creating money from nothing. Like governments. I mean we have corporations large enough to effectively be their own governments now. How scary is that?

Good economy = less pell grants.

In 2009 disbursements of pell grants doubled. From $17b to $40b. We’re returning to pre-recession numbers.

And no one loans you money to go see a concert or movie. If they do, it comes with high interest rates because you can eliminate that debt through bankruptcy.

The key to keeping prices/debt under control is the threat of non-payment.

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Amazing isn’t it? The government is actually stifling competition and preventing the “free market” from working like its supposed to. Who’d have thunk it?

There are areas that I believe need more government regulations, but the student loan program has been an unmitigated disaster for students and a windfall for banks/universities. It just needs to be ended. We could even forgive all the debt; although, I prefer just allowing bankruptcy.

Like I said, if the government is going to guarantee the loans, banks shouldn’t be allowed to charge interest. There’s no risk. You can’t declare bankruptcy to avoid taxes either. If the government was doing what it was supposed to instead of doing the bidding of lobbyists, this wouldn’t be an issue. Kind of seems like lobbying is the real problem.

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What does color have to do with money being wasted on something fixable like illegal immigration?

Are you making a profit? What about the administrators? Do they make a profit? How much of a profit does the President make? Or maybe everyone works for free since they are not allowed to make a profit?