Mollie Hemingway and Victoria Collier agree, there is election fraud taking place

Well, when Victoria Collier’s article How to Rig an Election . . . The G.O.P. aims to paint the country red, and Mollie Hemingway’s Testimony before Congress

are so much in harmony, the American people ought to take note and accept the fact that there are major weaknesses in our election process which allow for vote stealing and government perpetrated election fraud, and those weaknesses ought to be remedied, especially no-excuse mail-in ballot voting which has augmented and exacerbated the opportunities to rig our elections.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.


Your post is exactly what a political operative would post in order to deflect, instigate, agitate and obfuscate.



Are you referring to New York’s communist controlled Supreme Court?

the very court.

they know the law. early voting has finished for todays special election to replace santos.

Allan (go Tom go)

nothing better than a nearly one hundred years old quotation about current events.

did you know Jim crow laws were still in effect and that black people could not play major baseball back then.

things might have progressed slightly since then.


exactly. as common sense would dictate.

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we dont know that

which is why it was legitimately questioned.

careful. youre about to kill one your most precious narratives

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Is that similar to how Colorados SC “should” know the law? How did that work out?

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state law. not the united states constitution.

they are using the law for the special election today.


Wasn’t my question. You said the SC “knows the law” as an argument to authority.

Logically that same statement would also apply to the Colorado SC removing Trump from the ballot, but they just got judicially bitch slapped implying “no, they don’t know the law”.

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its was a new york state constitutional question.

was ruled constitutional by the new york supreme court



A quote which states a maxim and is as true today as when it was stated in United States v. Classic

By a communist controlled Supreme Court which ignored voting limitations stated in NY’s Constitution, in addition to ignoring the good people of New York explicitly and overwhelmingly rejected a constitutional amendment which would have allowed no-excuse mail-in ballot voting. But hey, that is what the communist controlled New York Democrat Leaders do . . . ignore the rule of law, and even reject gaining consent of the people when the people reject what the communist controlled leadership wants. And that is how NYC has been turned into a crime, rate and garbage infested ■■■■ hole. Everything the democrat party leadership touches turns to ■■■■■

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I can assure you today’s communist Democrat Leaders know the law. But they also know every trick imaginable which they employ to get around the law in order to hold on to power, which they use in every city they control to plunder the people’s treasury and fatten their own fortunes.

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the New york supreme court choose the interpret the New york constitution differently than you, a layman does.

that doesnt make them communists.

they just think about the law differently than you do.

you are an originalist.

there is different thinking about a constitution


So amidst all this whining about the government, I just want to take a moment to publicly thank the Republican controlled Secretary of State’s office and my local county elections office for a great experience with my absentee ballot. I completed the application for a ballot a couple of weeks ago (including inputting my driver’s license number to verify my identity). The application has been processed, approved, and is on the way. Additionally, since I’m disabled, I was able to indicate that on the application which qualifies me to complete the one application that will approve me for absentee voting in each election this year.

As some of you know, I have been battling sarcoidosis (an autoimmune disorder that in my case affects the heart & lungs to the point I am on oxygen) for about 2 years now, and now have severe arthritis in my hips. So this time I really needed to be able to vote absentee.

I am thankful to our officials in Georgia for a common sense approach for those of us who need this service, while still doing the signature matching and driver’s license number for verification of identity.

I will also note for those who say I never say anything good about the GOP that our Secretary of State is a Republican, as are the election officials in our county elections office. Great job on the part of all of them!


Yeah it’s the not repetition of tropes that he can only be failed.

It’s the people calling out those tropes. They are the ones in the wrong!

And the likes for it. It’s like a comedy troupe

Under our system of law, our judicial officers are bound to support and defend the text of written constitutions, and a constitution’s documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

As tersely stated by Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971)

The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice.”


Those who reject abiding by the text of our Constitution, and the intentions and beliefs under which it was agree to, as documented from historical records ___ its framing and ratification debates which give context to its text ___ wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.

Now that you have expressed you appreciation for voting by mail, how about addressing the fact that mail-in ballots have security flaws which allow for vote stealing and government perpetrated election fraud?

The irrefutable fact is, mail-in ballots have two, significant security flaws. There is no practical way to scrutinize a mail-in ballot when counted, to verify that it was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot, and, there is a loss of chain of custody from the time a mail-in ballot is received by a theoretically legitimate recipient of a mail-in ballot, to the time when that mail-in ballot is counted.

Mail-in ballots should only be allowed for those who have a legitimate excuse-based need, e.g., see: PA’s Constitution (ARTICLE VII, ELECTIONS, § 14. Absentee Voting

By limiting mail-in voting to a legitimate excuse-based need, the total number of mail-in ballots would be reduced to a fraction of what is now the case, and in so doing, even though the opportunity for vote stealing and mail-in ballot fraud would still exist, its effect on an election would be greatly reduced by the reduction in actual mail-in ballots allowed. Perhaps that is why so many democratic run countries have banned mail-in voting, LINK, and returned to paper ballots, strict voter ID and in-person voting as a rule.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

In 2016, there was no-excuse mail-in voting in Arizona and voting machines used in PA, MI and WI. How do we know that Trump legitimately won the 2016 presidential election with no-excuse mail in voting and with voting machines being used??