MN Rep. Jim Knoblach ends campaign ahead of abuse allegations story

Ehh Bill Cosby got put through the ringer that was 40+ years ago. If true, being a sleaze bag doesn’t expire


Was there a pattern with Cosby? Was it just one female who accused him? Was their penetration involved?

So it has to be penetration and multiple people assaulted for it to be true?

Plus, when the very first woman came out against Cosby didn’t we all kind of play the wait and see thing? Many didn’t believe it. Then it picked up steam and then snowballed.

When attempting to discern the truth, sexual predators historically commit these horrendous acts throughout their life. You mentioned Cosby and that’s a good example. Does Kavanaugh fit into this pattern of sexual predatory behavior? Let’s all drop the politics and be honest with each other. Is there any evidence to support the accuser’s claim, except her claim?

Or some guys just flash their thing in a woman’s face in college.

Wait…penetration has to be present for sexual assault?

Don’t you have daughters?


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It can give credence to the severity of the assault. Do you consider fondling of a breast, outside of their clothing…the same as forcibly restraining someone and violently raping them or possibly sodomy? I don’t and yet the word “rape” is being thrown around as if there is no difference. By your post, you are one of those people…WTH?

So quick to judge. I feel so bad for this young lady…everyone let her down. Her father, her mother, family, the school, church, police, prosecutors. I hope she is getting the help she needs to go on with life, and realize that her father doesn’t deserve her.

Republican/ Democrat it really doesn’t matter does it? This is disgusting.

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An Anchorage man walked out of court a free man Wednesday after changing his plea in the case of a brazen midday assault in which charging documents say he offered a woman a ride, then strangled her unconscious and masturbated on her.

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So you are saying that people will vote for a pedofile republican over a clean family man democrat and that’s why we have so many republican pedofiles and homosexuals and perverts in congress?

SO what you are saying is it isn’t the politicians…it’s the voting public that is sick?

Robert Byrd! Lets see if someone else says it as I scroll down the thread.

You compare those 2 very different scenarios, and ask me if they are the same?

Give me a break.

So, although it is not the same, would you be upset if your daughter was forcibly held down, and was felt up over her clothes, as she tried to scream and escape?
Is that sexual assault?

It may not be rape, but it is certainly sexual assault and traumatizing to the victim.

Let’s hope neither of those scenarios happen to any of our loved ones.

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