MN Rep. Jim Knoblach ends campaign ahead of abuse allegations story

It’s quite odd that you missed all the thousands of hannity board posts accusing libs en masse of being Nambla members. Did you only just begin posting on Hannity boards very recently?

Who here said that “all conservatives are pedophiles”? Link please.

what specifically is the “old” rule you are referring to then?


If so, then :joy:

Would you like to make any more distinctions without a difference? I’ve got one for you - those other sites don’t rhyme with shmannity.

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Your interpretation of his statement is really strange.

To be fair. Not all Republicans are pedophiles. They will just vote for one of the alternative is voting for a Democrat. There are degrees of evil, and I think we can all agree that there is nothing worse than a liberal.

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Does this apply to an uncorroborated accusation that’s over 36 years old, where the accuser and her supporters go against our Constitutional rights of being able to face their accuser in court and are innocent until proven guilty? Ds have no platform to stand on when it comes to hypocrisy. NONE!


Actually, the other way around…I don’t believe that the GOP seeks these kinds of people out…but these people seem to seek the GOP out.

You do that. Let us know how it goes, Broflake.

He’s referring to the Lee Kington Rule.

Well the Birther accusation against Obama went back way more than 36 years, but I do agree with you that your side hasn’t got so much as a single non-hypocrite bone in its pathetic weaselly body.

The accuser is the one making demands of what must take place before she will present her testimony against the person being accused. The Constitutional rights of Kavanaugh are being tossed aside due to the current PC lib atmosphere. The accuser has had 36 years to bring this up and declined to do so until now. The Senator that is bringing this before the Senate, has had months to do so but declined until right now…just before the vote. We are throwing away the Consitution and the law and adopting this new, PC culture. Well not me. I care about the treatment of women but it is never to be used as a weapon, as in this case.

Kavanaugh isn’t being locked up.

I don’t know why I wasted my time?

It sure sounds like what you’re saying is that people need to be able to face their accusers in court prior to Congress gathering info (which they will probably ignore) so that they can’t have that additional info (which could possibly influence them). That’s just not how the nomination process works. But I guess he could try and sue her. Or we could have a setup where no accusations can be made prior, a person is confirmed, then the next day 50 women say “yeah, he grabbed my ■■■■■ in college but I didn’t report it”.

And I don’t remember you saying anything about accusations when everybody (like media people) and their brother were accusing Hillary Clinton of stuff (like causing deaths, etc) as she was trying to get votes/influence people.

This accusation is from almost 4 decades ago? If the accused is guilty, can we agree that normally this is a pattern of behavior? She won’t be the only one? As you said, “50 women say he grabbed my ■■■■■ in college but I didn’t report it”? In the almost 4 decades, have you heard any other evidence of this serious accusation? Have any other women come forward and suggested a similar experience in the almost 40 years since her alleged incident? It’s been almost 2 weeks now that this accusation has been the front page news of every news medium in the United States…any other ladies come out and support this serious accusation? If not, why not? What reason could there be? If this lady comes out now, why now? What reason could there be? Is she politically active? Is she a Trump supporter? Does she have an axe to grind? Is there anything else in their past that could motivate this serious, unsupported accusation?

Vince Foster’s death was from 25 years ago and the media people you like still say the Clinton’s had him killed. Posters here have said it. I never once saw you have an issue with that.

Why the difference?

Damn it…I bothered with you again. Damn it…

I hate to corner you but you bring it on yourself.