MLB moves All-Star Game over Ga. voting law

It would be a good idea to have an ID card event set up for a few weeks at churches, so that people who are already there could sign up- then receive their cards the following week.

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Looks like the free Voter ID is Real ID compliant but it’s difficult to tell.

If it is…I’ve got no issues with that.


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Does it need to be?

Sure, sure. Easier for white people.

The important thing is who the MLB is really punishing. Is it Georgia? Or Atlanta?

Voter registration drives and the like are perfectly acceptable at churches.

And besides President Trump signed an EO he claimed did away with enforcing the Johnson Amendment, remember?



Issuing government IDs in a church is acceptable?


Any election fraud. I wasn’t being specific. Whatever the levels that exist… you know… we can do better.

Teaching people to be civic minded and helping them to do so is not the church mingling with the state.

In principle…:rofl:

Again I point you to Donald Trump…

And we can even go back to the glory days when the NRA and Ronald Reagan favored gun control because the Black Panthers were the ones getting the guns…

Issuing IDs isn’t mingling?

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Ya know… the election fraud Kemp and Raffensberger said DIDN’T happen.

Sure you can, but not with me. Did they do it on church?

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They don’t issue the IDs…they simply organize an event where people register for their Real IDs en masse.

Read his post. Register for a government ID.

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Yes that’s what I said too.

The CHURCHES wouldn’t hand out the IDs.

How are they going to get the IDs? Picture taken?

Who would and how?

It’s not an article. It’s an “analysis” from a lying media outlet.

I understand why you would want to rely on them, though.

How many different links on this and other threads including the text of the law have to be posted demonstrating that this is simply not true?

Good Lord you guys stop buying the bull ■■■■■

There’s a prohibition on electioneering with 150 feet of the polling area. I’m other words Stacey Abrams can’t walk up and hand you a vote for Stacy water bottle 10 feet from the door.

And oh by the way you can bring your own and election officials can put out self serve refreshments in the area of the lines. No one is dying if dehydration waiting to vote.

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