MLB moves All-Star Game over Ga. voting law

What’s really said…cities all over America are on the hook paying for their ■■■■■■■ stadiums.

Just as the GOP likes to whine about the consequences of their actions.

Why whoa?

She’s immune to being a human being because of her name?

Lazy is letting the NYT tell you what to think.

NYT has been shown to be lying too many times to trust anything they “analyze”.

For that matter, it’s a far too common problem for libs in general.

Lazy? Hardly.

It’s good discernment.

You’d be wise not to rely on them. Or defend them.

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Libs certainly aren’t.

They’re parroting the media and Dem lies right and left.

It’s like candy to them.


There’s the problem right there.

No…your denial of Fact is the problem. Give me one good reason. Bet you can’t. :wink:

For the record I think I only asked it 12-15 times tops. :slightly_smiling_face:


I do not want sports tied to politics and vice-versa. MLB had an agreement. They need to honor it.

So what about the article is wrong or misleading?

Exactly…this entire episode has been nothing but a giant lie…

It’s time for the Washington Post to start a WokeOBiden lie meter…

Oh what WAPO is part of the problem…they just had to apologize to Trump for their lies about Trump.

Here’s a hint for you lefties…if this entire movement is built on bullying based on lies…eventually they’ll come after you too…

Y’all might wanna pay attention to your stupid loyalties.

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It hasn’t been a giant lie.

There were misrepresentations on both sides…but it’s fact that there is much in this law that puts a disproportionate burden on urban Democratic areas in trying to get their vote out.

None of which makes the elections in Georgia “more secure”.

So called conservatives cheering on needless regulation…because today’s conservatism isn’t about limited government and less regulation…it’s about tribe.


Still got crickets. Wonder why no one will touch that question with a 10 foot pole. :grin:

What lying are you talking about? Ga turns blue and gop put election laws in place. If that doesn’t look fishy to you, you’re not being sincere.

I wonder if the millions in the concentration camps will be able to watch the games between times they are getting beat, killed, raped, and forced sterilized.

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Major League Baseball absolutely sucks right now. Pure garbage. I used to love it. Now they’re looking at rule changes that are stupid, nothing to address the real issue.

I do think that it is sort of a knee jerk reaction. I do feel for the local folks that will lose money.
Not to mention the workers there that will not earn some extra bucks.
But ultimately the political statement against the state must stand.
You can’t make laws based on a lie. It is disrespectful to the voters in the state.

You could just as easily say that about baseball😉

Financially punishing political speech. Almost nothing could be more unAmerican.

  1. Nobody is suppressing minority voting in Georgia.

  2. MLB should stay the ■■■■ out of politics,