Mitch McConnell is stepping down as Senate Leader

complete ■■■■■■■■

there is 2 centuries of precedent for NOT confirming the Presidents nominee when the President and Senate majority are not the same party when the seat he’s nominated for opens in the final year of a presidency. In fact it has happened something like 17 times and the ONLY time one was approved was for chief justice. On one other occasion there were 2 vacancies and a deal was cut to confirm one and reject the other. The one confirmed was vacant long before the election year started.

There is also long precedent to confirm the Presidents nominee quickly when the President and Senate majority are the same party.

You of curse knew this, but choose to run with the leftist narrative


McConnell leaving is a big loss for the Democrats.


I am so glad to see these lifelong career politicians leave. Unfortunately the way the federal system is with its corruption i am not sure the repleacementa will be any better. It would be nice ro see these guys go there actually representing the people than padding their pockets.

Tell us you have an unhealthy obsession without telling us you have an unhealthy obsession.

:rofl: :rofl:


Good to hear you think Trump shouldn’t be running for office.

This sum’s it up in a nutshell. Furthermore, Larry Hogan entering the Maryland race also throws a monkey wrench into the Dems situation as well.


Don’t rule out McCormick.

PA likes a Senator from each party and Casey has been AWOL his entire career. Fetterman has become a reasonable moderate.

While not likely…Don’t discount this upset special.

Sums* :grimacing:

I don’t think that Sinema is running for reelection to Senate. Gallego will be favored to win since Lake has high negative ratings in this state.

In what way is Garland corrupt?

You’re right; for some reason I just assumed she was.

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Fact eh.

Trump needs far less money than Brandon.

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I see there some push to get McConnell to quit entirely…I wonder who’s behind it?

but how long after?

he lost a lot off the fastball well before this year.


The people that want that job.