Mitch mcconnell asks : Will Dems work with us, or simply put partisan politics ahead of the country

Or get his taxes and work on policy? Oh right, trump said he won’t do that and it will be a war-like posture. Dems will still pass bills though.

Some people can do 2 things.

Does Cocaine Mitch thinks he works at The Onion now?

2 hands = 2* the ■■■■■ grabbing

I’m pretty sure at this point, neither side wants to truly work with the other. It’s going to be a total mess of childish crap going back and forth for the next few years.

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Mitch McConnell is the reason Pelosi is the right choice for Speaker of the House.
She is good at procedure and will get bills to the floor.

She also has the added bonus that she makes Cons heads explode.

It’s all a shell game.

Why would we lie?

It’s like Mitch thinks he works for The Onion now.

It’s been that way since cons took the house from that Kenyan Muslim communist

Merrick garland, put aside becuase McConnell did not obama making yet another scotus appointment.


The you can’t go lower than us defense.

That’s pretty bad even for you @Conan.


It was stole via partisan politics played by McConnell.

Nothing more nothing less.


Nailed it. :clap:

Well, we don’t mock war heroes. We don’t make fun of disabled people or want to imprison political rivals. We don’t send US troops to our own borders during the holidays to drum up fear and votes and we don’t steal SCOTUS seats.

We don’t eliminate folks from the voting rosters in order to help our chances, we don’t discriminate against gays, women, hispanic Americans or the disabled. We consider all Americans equal. We think all Americans deserve a chance at obtaining affordable health insurance that doesn’t discriminate against you when you actually get sick.

Heck, we still dislike Russia and support our historic allies.

So even if we aren’t as bipartisan as you would like, we will still be miles ahead of the Trumpletion brigade.



I never thought I’d see the day when the Democrats are the party of morality and family values, while the Republicans largely stand for vulgarity.

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It was always there in the American right, locked in the basement. This is more or less what they were like, when no one was looking. That’s why William F. Buckley denounced Robert Welch and disavowed the John Birch Society. He didn’t want these people ■■■■■■■■ on the furniture and using the nice drapes as napkins. Now, he’s long dead, and the wingnuts smashed through the door years ago. It’s their party and their “movement” now.


Don’t count on it, it there is a policy that will enrich the rich donors most of dem are still corporate bought stogies who will vote to increase Military spending, tax cuts, vote no on medicare for all, college tuition payments etc.

When reading the book “Dark Money” it made complete sense that the Koch’s are long time Birchers.

Got it from their Dad.