Misogyny at FAKE NEWS CNN

That’s right. If someone has to hold someone up and commit on the color of their skin to show how they are not racist just it proves the opposite.
People who really are not racist don’t look for skin color.


If someone has to look at skin color they just proved they are racist.


So they should have no idea if any of their friends are black?

They shouldn’t use their friends because of the color of their skin. I don’t say my native friends, my black friends. I just say my friends. If you see your friends by the color of their skin what does that say about you?


When one is accused of racism, it’s natural to want to show evidence to the contrary. It’s a serious accusation.

Conservatives are accused of racism all the time.
Every time they say look we have people of color in our party we’re not racist to defend themselves. The first thing said is your racist it does not matter that you have a token person of color. In fact we told pointing out that person of color is racist.
Obama was used to say conservatives are racist. It was look at the dems they voted for a black man. We’re not racist. Look at the conservatives they did not vote for this black man so they are racist.
Me being a minority heard what was said and it was racist to me because what does the color of Obama’s skin have to do with how most people voted.
To me I don’t look at the color of someone’s skin or their sex when I vote. In fact I could care less. I listen to their idea’s no mater what sex or skin color they have and than make my choice. Does it make me racist because I like a white person’s idea’s better than a person of colors idea’s?
Every time I hear someone in the dem party holding up a woman or a person of color and saying look how many woman and minorities we have in our party we are not racist or sexist. And than they point to the other party of say look how few minorities or woman the GOP have they must be racist it let’s me know just who the racist are. Because these people see nothing but the color of your skin and what sex you are.

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We’re going in two different directions here and I’ll take some of the blame for that. You called the following quote racist, saying it was like an individual holding up a black friend to show they are not racist.

Yep we are so racist that we elected a black POTUS twice. That’s how racist we are

Now you are talking about the two parties accusing each other of racism but I was strictly talking a about an individual being accused of racism. I have been accused of racism and it is pretty much impossible not to think about the people in my life of many different ethnicities who I treat the same as all people in my life, on their actions.

Politics vs interpersonal relationships.

To him there the same I guess.

I don’t know.

Seems you can’t tell the difference between a him and a her.
So maybe you don’t realize that what you posted could be taken are racist.

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The problem fake news CNN and their cousins at MessNbc have is that people actually watch these briefings…I ve watched CNN after a couple of those briefings because another person in my house watches their crap…

I wasn’t sure they watched the same event I did.

Credibility in media matters…CNN no longer has any. From that standpoint this Lockhart probably fits right in.

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If someone takes my post as racist that’s on them not me.

So does counterfeit money, it’s still fake money.

How come both still around in spite of disagreeing with President Trump at least once a piece on National Television?

Obviously there’s a partisan blinders flaw in your logic.


It used to be a serious accusation. It has been misused so much that its seriousness has been greatly watered down at this point.

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Yeah you can watch those briefings and then go to CNN or MsDNC and wonder what the heck were they watching???

That’s why those channels do not want the briefings aired anymore. Kills what little credibility they have left.

Plus the briefings are driving up the President’s numbers.

Not to me. Not one bit.

One of the great gifts of the liberal left in America today. If everything is RACIST then really nothing is. Liberals toss claims of racism around like M & M’s on Halloween…it’s a very serious claim and an ugly devastating concept…but when RACIST becomes “the nasty name I call anyone who dares to disagree with me”…then the whole concept and seriousness of racism loses its meaning.

This is all totally off the original topic of the thread, but IMHO the did the same thing to the very serious concept of impeachment. It now means “any president we don’t like who dares to disagree with us”.


Means nothing to many of us any more because it has been so misused.

So many false accusations especially from the left wing politicians and media.