Mike Johnson Is New Speaker of the House

What did he say anti-homosexual TODAY?

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Good thing dude made it easy.

Nothing that I’m aware.

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Well…there you go.


Where’s Waldo?

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The homophobia sucks for sure, but I’m more worried about the election denialism.

What’s going to happen when Trump tries to steal the next election, and once again says “Just say the election was corrupt. And leave the rest up to me and the Republican congressmen?”…

…and the Speaker of the House is an election denier? I fear that we are running out of people with integrity on the other side, and are left with folks who will decide they might like to give fascism a try.

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And Jeffries and his statements about the 2016 election??

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Hmm…are you confused? Jeffries is neither a Republican or SotH.

Wasn’t he floated as a temp?

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huh. good


Sure, but how many bills had Obama authored to do just that? Also has Obama ever been against sodomy?

Apples and oranges

well my goodness. is this all true?

no wonder the ninny left is out to make him a “homophobe”


Hmmm so it doesn’atter what a President says. Trump says hi.


Oh are we comparing president to lawmakers now? I figured the reference was when he was a senator but if we compare that then it’s more like fish steaks to oranges :slight_smile:

Besides I don’t think P01135809 has time to say hi to little old me, he’s too busy flouncing out of Courtrooms

:+1: :grinning:

Yes. We don’t want a speaker who isn’t pushing sodomy.


Yes. We like it when you guys look foolish.

Having no Speaker was great, but I’m still hoping for the best with Speaker Johnson.

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Is he really a young earth creationist?

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Just look at the the way that in less than 100 posts, this thread devolved into butt ■■■■■■■ being the most important hill to die on. The modern left’s values, folks. In all it’s gory. :rofl:


tolerance for others’ beliefs go out the window huh?

right through the glass