Mike Johnson Is New Speaker of the House

No doubt the CR was bipartisan. But then again it was bipartisan under the last speaker as well. Both even satisfied the supposed stupid rule that any bill needs a majority of Republicans. But the last speaker still lost his job over it.

Change one variable…

Which one?

The inability to elect another speaker for so long. The constituents’ reaction to it. The worsening of the Three Big Crises. Trump’s pronouncements. The increasing proximity of the elections.

And Speaker Mike is not McCarthy.

Waiting to see the if Speaker Mike honors the debt ceiling deal he voted for. If he does he will get the government funded via 12 appropriations bills. If not your looking at a years long CR or a shutdown.

Come on Speaker Mike!

Noteworthy: If there were a shutdown now, libs would be setting their hair on fire. Instead there is not, and libs are still complaining.

Shades of MT 11:17.


Party over country!


Not complaining here. I really hopes this leads passing all 12 appropriations bills. That’s the way the government should be funded.


Line a rock in a pack of dogs. :+1:

Info on why they didn’t vote for McCarthy CR.



Cheap, petty. We have the worst media in the world.

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To who? You?

That would be an endorsement. :wink:

he seems to think trump is coming back to WH. makes me skeptical of him. he’s gotta realize trump has no chance

You think Biden is in do you? :thinking:

Its all showmanship to stave off the likes of the freedom caucus. He wants to show he is as Maga as the next man and not really compromising. Which is pretty much the job of the speaker. Negotiate and compromise.

I took it as a facetious statement.

Maybe so.

But I’ll say this: I still believe that neither Trump nor Brandon will end up being the respective nominees in November. Not because they will actually lose the primaries, but because both will end up leaving the primaries. One way or another.

But that’s something that belongs in another thread.