Mike Johnson Is New Speaker of the House

Abolish the Department of Education of course.


The govt is not the country.


That would be a good start…


Take the Ukraine and Israel piss away money. Do a study to figure out the problem and solution. 90 days max.

Distribute the funds to the states willing to commit to implementing the solution.

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Don’t thin the dems will go for not funding Ukraine and Israel.

Also, I don’t think there is one problem that you just ‘implement’ and suddenly every school is fixed.

My counter proposal - raise taxes 1% on those making more than 400K, use that money exclusively to fund nutrition two free school meals for kids living in poverty, and to fund after school tutoring programs availably to all students.

Nutrition is a huge reason kids aren’t learning. Lacking one on one time with an involved adult - in this case a tutor - is another.

The 90 day study might confirm that, but I think more likely it will determine the solution is some for profit educational industry run program or curriculum that is going to make someone some money…

Do you make more than $400k?

I know they won’t. America Last™

No it isn’t.

I’m fine with states coming up with a tutoring program as long as it doesn’t require a college degree or a teaching certificate and is not federally regulated. Be a good job for students to work off college loans, unemployed mothers, people like that.

Correct. That’s why they can’t be involved.

Nah. They just aren’t Putin and Hamas First.


You said you wanted them to study the problem and determine a solution.

I suspect the solution any study finds will be beneficial to some lobbiest supported for profit education corp selling something.

Much easier and more effective to just make sure every american student is fed, and has one on one time with involved adults.

I give him credit for trying to force congress to fund the government via 12 individual appropriation bills as it should be. I hope he pulls that off.


Putin and Hamas are zero threat to the US.

I didn’t say anything about any “them.”

It’s so cute when they put their head in the sand.

That’s why they bundle them with funding for the wall, and don’t present separate bills for separate issues. Why not vote for issues separately in separate bills woth each requiring a majority vote?

Then the electorate grades these votes by voting for candidates that in their minds supported or opposed bills more correctly…


What’s the threat?

I just learned his CR passed with MOSTLY democratic votes.

Heck of a speaker there! Needs the opposition to get anything done!


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More like a leader of the dems!

Bipartisan! Leading the House!