Mike Johnson Is New Speaker of the House

Ray Charles can see it… it’s not like they were hiding it.

Now I’ll admit generally speaking they have no idea what they want legislatively… but they knew they didn’t want McCarthy and they wanted to shut the government down and blame libs.

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Backwards. The dems (Biden) refuse to budge an inch on the budget and then if there is a shutdown blame it on the gop.

They’ve been playing this game forever.

And the Fake Media will back the dems of course.

Dems don’t run the house. Republicans run the house.

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Speaker Mike is running the House!

He just did the same thing that got McCarthy booted. We’ll see how long he lasts.

Indeed he did! Yes we will! Speaker Mike!

Yee Haw!

McCarthy was running out the clock for debating issue based budgets rather than an omnibus. Mike was handed the wheel of a car racing toward a cliff with very little time until the point of no return. His options have been far fewer than McCarthy’s were. We’ll see how Mike does once emergency evasive action is no longer necessary.

Personally, I would have preferred the Republicans to have put a bunch of sensible budgets to the House ASAP and then blame the Dems and Biden for vetoing them and causing a shutdown.

It would indeed be the dems and Biden’s fault but the Media would run their Bugle mouths 24/7 blaming the gop.

The sheeple would believe them of course. :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

The key word there is “sensible”. And MAGA loves the senseless, poison pill filled message bills, that everybody knows won’t pass.

But thus far, Johnson has seemed somewhat reasonable, and he might be able to do just what you are talking about. Let us wait and see.

But just MAGA…

Speaker Mike! Speaker Mike! Speaker Mike!

Working with the Dems! Yeehaw!

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This is gonna age about as well as the DeSantis next big thing prediction posts.

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I love bi-partisan efforts to keep the country going!

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Led by Speaker Mike!

Going without Ukraine and Israel.

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What will he work with the dems on next!

Hopefully literacy in US schools.

They can’t read.


good one - what should they do from the national level?