Mike Johnson Is New Speaker of the House

Everybody has an opinion.

if they let him run. he might be too bad for them to rig it enough.

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cant really argue that


Democrats reject Johnson’s border demands as part of Ukraine aid package

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Yeah, that’s lame. Leave them alone - a kid’s confirmation or bat mitzvah wouldn’t be a story.

The democrats are shutting down the country? How will the sacred halls ever survive?


Tell the Dems to Pound Sand.

Have to win congress to do that.

We have the house.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Do we?

Yes and I still say tell the dems to pound sand on their Ukraine demands.

If they want to shut down the government…let em!

Government shut downs don’t shut down all that much anyway. Most things keep running.

“We” don’t have the House. The House is divided into 4 parts and there are few alliances.

Are you counting RINOs and Never Trumpers is this “we”?

We have the House on the major votes.

How has that always worked out for republicans?

Do you have it on the Ukraine bill and border security bill?

Do the right thing no matter the “costs”.

Of course the fake news blames the gop every time.

The fake news should not be allowed to call policy shots.

“The right thing”? In government, you have to be in it to change it.

Tell them to pound sand and then put it to a vote.

You’ll lose.

Now you are just being contrarian.

I gave my opinion. You can like my opinion or lump it.

Your choice.