Migrants reject the accommodations provided for them as unacceptable!

You can’t make this ■■■■ up! Well I guess it doesn’t take long for people to develop that Democrat inspired entitlement mentality.


Maybe every Democrat voter can move out of their homes and let the migrants live there! :man_shrugging:


They want The Ritz ?

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Seems they’re happy to go back to the Roosevelt hotel in Manhattan.

Another migrant father bused to the field said he has been living at the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, the city processing site for the migrants — and was heading back there.

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So some families refused the accommodations they were provided.


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We’re obviously not doing enough for enough strays.


Maybe they would like Joe Biden’s multimillion dollar beach house?


Obama’s as well.

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Stick their asses on a plane and send them back where they came from.

They shouldn’t be here anyway.


Plenty of room at Martha’s Vineyard, I am sure the locals are nice decent people and would let them stay there.


Why this Administration is choosing to purposefully destroy this nation from with their open border policies and creating this very situation IS the MOST TREASONOUS ACT EVER PERFORMED BY A POTUS. I really have to wonder how long, patriotic Americans are going to continue to do NOTHING?


My thoughts too.
What will it take?
Plus…any day now sleeper cells that came across the open border will act up adding to the chaos and mayhem.

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Biden is so stupid that even these manipulated benefactors will turn on him.

So quickly too.


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Well it’s the off-season in Martha’s Vineyard right now.
There are plenty of fine accommodations there.

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this is a state issue, not a federal one.


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those accommodations are substandard.


Uh, huh…and obviously what I stated is too deep for you to comprehend on a federal level.

Ya, for 24 hours at least. They’ll get their pictures taken with the locals, maybe get a souvenir then the Massachusetts National Guard will show up and kick their no English speaking asses off the island.


Then they should go back to wherever the ■■■■ they came from. Don’t these fools realize they’re being used?

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nYc is a sanctuary city.


They didn’t complain about the illegal alien caravan’s accommodations…

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