Migrants reject the accommodations provided for them as unacceptable!

Of course they realize they’re being used, hence the demands.


So these people are entitled to be here? By the millions?

Wait, immigration is a state issue now?


The only thing they are due is summary deportation.


Don’t let the door hit you……

And illegal immigration is no longer against federal law?
Where do some people get their information, Tik Tok?


He’s going to get pushback, labeled a racist and any other dumbass rhetoric the libz and progs will scheme and lie about. But this isn’t the first time Trump has fielded his plans on what he intends to do with XiBiden’s illegal invasion horde.

The latest cost to the taxpayers to support the invaders is $417 Billion??
And the wankers in Congress are infighting to pass a ■■■■■■■ budget?
If the voting public don’t take notice of what this J’Biden ■■■■ show has done to this country and use their heads this time at the polls we as a nation might just be done.
You dumbasses didn’t like mean tweets?
Bet you wish you didn’t care about now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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If any of these terrorist sympathizers act before election day the public will force this to happen with overwhelming Trump support

How do we know that the current antisemitic campaign being waged on US “higher indoctrination” campuses and US streets isn’t being engineered by forces of terrorist organizations that have used the migrant ruse or simply snuck in through the southern border?
Sure seems to be a lot of white bread ■■■■ for brains types parading around wearing the zebra scarf.

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Solid point!

when it comes to sanctuary status it is.

thanks for letting me clarify.


Send them home…immediately…apply their wishes…where it’s nicer than where they are here in the US.

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Maybe the government should kick Al out of his home and give it to some of these migrants.

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How many walls could we build with 417 billion dollars? :man_shrugging:

i am not the city nor the state govt.



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Forgive my lack of knowledge on the subject, but are these folks illegal immigrants or did they seek asylum? Because seeking asylum isn’t illegal, sneaking across the border and evading authorities is illegal, correct?

Are these people asylum seekers (which is perfectly legal, and you should provide accommodations while they are processed and either accepted or rejected) or are they illegal immigrants who should be deported to their country of origin? Because a lot of folks here say they are illegal and I keep hearing they are asylum seekers, which is it?

you are confusing the anti-immigration people on the forum with facts.

cant have that.



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Illegal invaders surrendering to CBP agents claiming “asylum” with a canned coached speech are scamming a system. They know they’ll be allowed in and given all the goodies Xiden promised.
This is an old fact check report from 2021. “15% are granted asylum, only half show for hearings”

I’d be curious as to what the statistics are now.
The system is overwhelmed and abused. The invaders,(those caught), are also paying a cartel criminal enterprise. And to think, the human trafficking, drug smuggling, deaths, rapes etc. didn’t explode until Xiden sat down in the Oval Office for the first time and with a stroke of his feeble handed pen undid a working border security policy.

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