Michelle Obama calls on teachers to help students register to vote

Our college’s first year class has an assignment of registering to vote. If one doesn’t want to actually register the same credit is given for screenshots of the webpage. It is teaching! We should teach all students how to register and encourage voting for heavens sakes. I don’t understand the complaints.


They might not vote Republican. That’s the complaint.


This entire eras is so educational.

Are you under the impression it is a week-long lesson or something?

It’s not, they pack it into liberals week at school… I believe it’s on day three… the schedule looks like this…

Monday - My gender - a helpful guide to determining your gender
Tuesday - Aborting babies in the new millennium
Wednesday - Registering to vote and how to get your illegal friends to vote
Thursday - Smokin weed and other ways to enjoy the 3 day work week
Friday - How to know when you are ready for Antifa


It’s absolutely bonkers to me that all eligible voters aren’t automatically registered to vote. In so many ways, we’re such Luddites.


This is a good post.

If we automatically registered people to vote it would be easy for them show up and vote on election day… That’s why we don’t


The school system failed them on this?

I thought it was parents’ responsibility to teach their kids where to get this information. Isn’t that what those who are complaining bitching about?

But I suppose in a way you’re admitting it isn’t wrong for teachers to teach how/encourage young voting age people to register to vote.


The point is the complaining. It’s not supposed to be consistent or logical.

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I thought it funny too. The Obama’s are partisan through and through.

How is registering eligible aged teens a partisan issue?

The minute I turned 18 I had to register for “selective service”.

I never once received the same mailer for registering to vote.

I too find it absolutely crazy that people aren’t automatically registered to vote.

You should be automatically registered 6 month prior to the day you turn 18.


I can only assume it is ok if the NRA has a voter registration drive though…

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It’s a good thing right-wing religious leaders have never encouraged their congregations to register and go vote.

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Early indoctrination.

How? Elaborate

Just don’t try to call the Obama’s “nonpartisan”. That dog will not hunt.

No need to. You get it.
