Michael Burry Warns Weimar Hyperinflation is Coming

Bidenists can not face the fact that the man they worship screws up everything he touches.


In New York City (15 an hour minimum) and New Jersey (12 an hour minimum)

Inflation was 1.2% in January.



Same as Dallas (7.25 an hour minimum wage)


The facts in the case belie your statement.


My assertion is based on common sense. You have no proof. Neither do I. Let’s see how this plays out shall we?

Gas prices are at the highest they have been in a year. They won’t be going down any time soon.

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It was for me.

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Thanks for agreeing? What the heck do you think intuition means?

No i have proof. There is no evidence that illegal immigration causes inflation.

You guys need to look at wht trends look like. What happened a year ago that made gas prices drop? Were they going down before the pandemic? Was there a rising trend in prices starting in 2015 and were they increasing throughout the last administration until 2020?

The answer to all those questions is:
No they were steady
They we’re going up since 2015 and throughout the former presidency.

This isn’t about an individual position. Inflation wasn’t a concern when the money was pumped into the economy.

That’s because they were not eligible for public assistance before. Under Biden, there is no such thing as illegal immigration. All are welcomed. Even human traffickers, cartel members and sexual predators.


They have been eligible for public assistance in many states for years

All are welcomed. Even human traffickers, cartel members and sexual predators.

This part is brand new.

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Yes, that’s true. The problem is, this guy has called it right every time. It’s something we need to pay attention to. If you think I want this to happen, you don’t understand me on anything. We will all lose big if this happens. It will be on the levels of the Great Depression. We can’t keep this level of spending/printing up.

Answer me one thing, bet you won’t, but if you think you can, what will the result be if we keep up this level of money printing?

Is that going to somehow significantly increase the number of people. Let’s say that’s true. The all are welcome part. What percentage increase in the total welcomed people that will now drive inflation up because they will be offered public assistance?

Guestimate if you have to

Are you sure you didn’t predict hyperinflation last time too?

You and spinach…

Yeah… I was wondering when did we start to owe France and Britain a ton of gold.

My guestimation is that a large population increase, increases the demand for goods, services, energy and natural resources. Leading to inflation. Will it have as big as effect as the the things listed below? I don’t know.

When you demand that employers pay 16 year old kids 15 bucks per hour, inflation increases. When you impose reductions, fees and limits on our energy resources, the price of energy goes up. When the price of energy goes up, the price of everything goes up.

Everything Biden touches, he screws up.

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Soooooooo…you aren’t going to say what will the result be if we keep up this level of money printing?

We discussed price of energy already. The trend has been a steady increase for the past 5 going on 6 years.

A large population increase is again nice and nebulous. Again there is no evidence that Democrat immigration policy drives inflation.

As for the a minimum wage increases i am not in exact agreement with the need for an across the board wage increase for various reasons. One of them is that it is a feel good move.

At best I been preaching stagnation is our future even during the early days of lockdown we haven’t seen nothing yet from the lockdowns and money printing, while at the same time we sold our manufacturing to communist China.


I already did. Inflation may tick up. It didn’t less than twelves months ago after a multi trillion dollar money dump

Btw thank you for not denying your prevailing the sky is falling attitude during a democrat presidency.

It is about to become a little more than a trend. You will soon see us dependent on middle east oil again. A full fledged war on energy independence.

Everything Biden touches, he screws up.

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