Michael Avenatti says other women claiming to have had affairs with Trump will soon be revealed

If he’s impeached, I want Republicans to do it.

Or that. :slight_smile:

I don’t get your point.

Drp, drip, drip.

What do you expect? He does suck and it’s proven every single day.

Give him a break. he probably hasn’t even heard about the SIC report.

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that sounds like something straight from Fox or Rush.

you know, if he wouldn’t constantly tweet like a 12yo girl things could settle down a bit. as it is, he just can’t shut up. he has to constantly be childish.

we don’t hear “respecting the office of the presidency anymore”.

“Suddenly proving intent matters?” asked Hillary, rolling her eyes.

What was discovered that was worth a year? They got the Martha Stewart charge.

I haven’t been able to read the Mueller’s report that details his findings. Can you share your link to it?

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We have no way of knowing what Mueller has discovered, since he has not yet released any info.

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Seems the problem a lot of folks have with this investigation is that it’s not leaky. Very taut ship Mueller is running.

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No pol discloses things they don’t have to.

That’s fair. How long did it go on?

It’s only sex.

Me too.
10 ch

Dude its only been a year and look what was discovered… this is not a witch hunt no matter how hard you stomp your feet

The best thing that I’ve ever heard on the Rush Limbaugh Show, was when he was making fun of Hillary and instead of her talking she was barking like a dog. After that I was able to put up with liberals. Because any time I get bored with them, or they don’t make any sense(which is a lot of the time), I tune them out. The barking noises come in, and I can pretend that I care.

Here is a link to a good summary of Mueller’s first year:

Stay tuned, as I’m sure this will go on for another year or two.