Miami cop wearing a pro-Trump mask near a voting site

I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean. If Trump has been president for the last 4 years why is there still BS to get rid of? If he hasn’t gotten rid of it over the last 4 years, why is there confidence he will the next 4 years? Poor re-election slogan.

should every car with a biden/harris bumpersticker be immediately towed away from polling places?

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I’m sure other snowflakes would as well.

What was your stance on the Black Panther, holding a billy club, outside a polling place several years ago?

I hated it. Don’t know why 2 wrongs make a right.


What’s wrong with a person protectioning himself/herself from the Chinese virus?

Is that what you think is the problem?

What problem?

None for you I guess. I see a problem. A police man with a gun promoting a political figure at the polls.

Ahh, so it was the gun.

What about the badge? Did it trigger you as well?

I’m not going to lie. Any poll worker endorsing a candidate at the station they are overseeing is vomit inducing to me as an American.

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take it up with the Miami police chief.

Miami police chief Ron Papier said Ubeda’s actions violated department policy against campaigning while on duty. Umask also contained offensive language, an additional violation.

I’m sure just the name “TRUMP” triggers a lot of people.


Several? 12 years ago.

If you’re saying this guy should have an injunction put on him that forbids him from being armed within 100 feet of polling place like Shabazz then no argument here.

Trump fans don’t have to trigger. They don’t have to own libs. They could just support what they like.

that’s the spirit. looks like the Miami Police Chief was triggered as well.

Yes he was.

Anything else?

Thank you.


How disingenuous?

Maybe, not sure what your intentions are.