Mexico And The US Coming To New NAFTA Deal

Now, the left and never Trumptards have to be unhappy…

They can’t name one policy of Trumps that’s not good…

oh, but the playboy bunnies, not even any Rooskies anymore…

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I’m talking about all the deals he’s made since becoming President.

What’s in this alleged new deal that you like? Name some things.

Was surprised that NBC broke into regular programming to announce this and give President Trump some good press by tying the announcement into a market surge response.

Good news! Let’s see what devil is in the details…:smiling_imp:

So the only method is the brute force approach?

Even with friends with whom you have good relations tradewise overall?

Trump was also pushing the new rule, that any Mexican autoworker must be paid at least $16/hour. I’m not sure if that is going to remain a part of the new agreement, but if it is, then there will be a lot of very happy autoworkers in Mexico.

Mueller has him now…

Apparently so. Seems they liked the status quo.

Don’t worry,it has to pass congress and we’ll know all about it. You dems will have to whine the whole time, even if it’s the best deal ever…

And dem party hacks never had one question about Obama care… so, just wait for the talking points and frown in the mean time…lol!

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I notice how it’s always their fault…interesting…

Ooooo, da playboy bunny payoffs… So, treasonous…LMAO!

Putin loves Mueller’s work…

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Let’s try again, but without the deflections:

What’s in this alleged new deal that you like? Name some things.

It’s a good sign of positive progress.

However, the Trump-haters on this forum can’t have any public recognition of this positive sign of progress, and anyone doing so is a Trumpkin sycophant.

Let the whatabouts begin, you trolls…

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Can’t we just make note of this positive step towards a new NAFTA deal? Or is everyone suppose to remain on full Trump hate, spewing endless negativity, until the final NAFTA deal is signed by all parties involved?

You have to pass it to find out what’s in it.

Hmmmm where have I heard that before? :thinking::grin:

That’s true in this case, since whatever deal Mexico and the US might agree to, won’t really matter, until Canada signs on. And to that point, a good negotiator might agree to concessions with Mexico on specific parts, knowing Canada will balk at them. The Canadians remove that concession by the US, and gets what it wanted in the first place, or vice versa.

The point is, no matter what is in the Trump-Mexico stage of this agreement may end up consisting of, some parts may simply be tricks and tactics meant to steer the final negotiations to the benefit of one side or the other.

I favor doing away with NAFTA and doing 2 way deals. The US and Mexico would be 1st it seems. The US and Canada later if Canada wants to have a deal.

If they don’t…oh well. Who cares?

Why do you think nothing matters without canada?

Maybe so. however, it may be that a joint deal works out better for all of us, making us a very large and powerful group.

With the US having the most influence in NAFTA, it gives our country an out sized amount of clout in international trade.