Melania Trump's awkward moment

Funny you skip Clintons Why is that?

And yes my point posting the Reagans was that yes we can find any people doing that stuff.

But again you don’t need to be all Hand Holding , Hand Kissing to love each other.

now granted I don’t think she is really In love with Trump nor is he.
But it is there business not ours.

Melania has that “you gave me herpes, you bastard” look.

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You’re kidding. He is definitely, obviously in love with Trump.


What’s funny? The Clintons have had a troubled marriage. Trump has had 3.

Part of me feels sorry for Melania.

Part of me figures she knew exactly what she was signing on for.

Meh. When all is said and done, I hope she ends up happy.

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Meh to the whole thing.

Meaning this thread, or Donald’s administration? :wink:

She’ll be ok. Probably waiting for him to die.

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More likely the end of his presidency. I doubt she’ll have the patience for his demise.

I would gladly concede the Reagans loved each other. They certainly had a lot more class than 45.

Honestly, who doesn’t/didn’t?

Trump has made her a laughing stock by his public cheating why would she act like she loves him,

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You are leaving out that she actually pushes his hand away. I wonder why.

Once you go white Navy…


So question:
Did Bill Clinton Make Hillary a Laughing Stock with all his Public Cheating?
Why does Hillary Act Like She Loves Bill for all the Cheating he has done?

If she’s smart Melania will wear those huge hats a lot in public (since she must hate the lying cheater). Donald has a hard time maneuvering his way in for a kiss with that thing on. Trump was able to do the ole double check kiss with the French First Lady (no hat). Maybe someone should tip off visiting women and make sure they all come here looking like they’re at the Kentucky Derby.

And what’s really funny is she did her best to move the hat out of the way during the double check kiss with the French President.

Her body language speaks volumes. Can’t blame her though. Her cheating husband was getting naked and having unprotected sex with other women (like in the XXX industry). Then paying them off to keep Melania in the dark.


Is anyone making the argument that the Clintons have a great marriage? Why are you whacking at straw men?

All I can say to that is …Meow!

Hillary should be way more embarrassed, at least Trump’s women are hot and high classed.

My guess would be that it’s because she married Bill for politics and knew that would be part of the deal.