Melania Trump's awkward moment

I give her mad props for acting like a classy lady but I do feel sorry for her that she’s married to this clown. The video is priceless. Lol!

In footage captured by MSNBC and later dissected by Twitter users, Trump appears to make a subtle effort to hold his wife’s hand, first extending his pinky finger and then gently giving her hand a little shake before she finally places her hand his.

This isn’t the first time Mrs. Trump has appeared reluctant to hold her husband’s hand. In May, the first lady was caught on camera clearly swatting away her husband’s hand during a trip to Tel Aviv, Israel. Then in February, as the first lady and president departed the White House for a trip to Ohio, Trump once again tried but failed to make hand-to-hand contact with his wife.

It’s Melania’s upbringing: in Slovenian culture it’s considered unseemly to hold hands with lying, cheating ■■■■■■■ husbands.


It is odd. :thinking:

Supposedly it is Donny that is a self proclaimed germaphobic and would seem to be the one who would not wish to hold hands?

Perhaps the First Lady’s reluctance is due to the fact she has a clue how many other women’s naughty bits he has grabbed with those hands?

She knows where those puppies have been.



Good one. :smile:


She knows those tiny hands were grabbing porn star ***** while she was home with the baby.

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This thread is petty. Okay, so she didn’t want to hold hands with her husband in public. There are times when I don’t want to show affection in public; in fact that’s most of the time. Cut her some slack.


Why is it odd?
Seems like the left is just making stuff to say just like the right did with Obama’s.
Because they need to find something wrong.

My wife and don’t hold hands. Not all couples hold hands in situations like this.

So I don’t find it odd.

This is how it’s done.



This is how it’s done.

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That looks Awkward to me since she is busy with her arm in the other persons and talking to him.
But sure what ever floats your boat.

AS I said NOT all people kiss or hold hands in public like you think they should. Doesn’t mean they don’t respect or love each other like other people.
But go on keep poking at something stupid.

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Pure class bro, can’t get any better than these two.


Yea I think I can get better than the Obama’s if you want to play this game

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Lol! I think those two were awesome and full of class, unlike our pile of crap we have as president.


This thread is nit-picky stupid is what it is.


There’s little doubt the Reagan’s loved and cherished each other and were unabashed to show it.

This guy the Republicans have now? Ehhhh, not so much.


Again you Wanted to play the stupid game.
That NONE better than the Obama’s

The thread is stupid Period.

I don’t give a crap if Trump and His current wife hold hands or not.

As I said I don’t hold my wife’s hand does that mean I don’t love her which you implied by posting that is how you do it.
We don’t like to be affectionate in public or even hold hands. I don’t hold my kids hands either.

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The kinda guy whose wife refuses to hold his hand is the kinda guy who throws his own nominee to head the Veterans Administration to the wolves.

It’s not picking nits.

It’s what they call in the poker world a “tell.”

This is the guy the Republican party nominated and elected. Everything you need to know about him. In 3 seconds.


Yea and to think the Dems would have picked Hillary and Bill who we know Bill has many affairs on the side regardless if his wife is cool with it or not.
So again who cares.

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It’s as clear a day that Melania despises her loathsome husband. I don’t feel bad for her, though. No way she hasn’t been aware of exactly who he is for years.

It was petty on the old board when the exact same topic was started.

Petty is all the liberals have.